Sun, the king of planets, is going to transit in Aquarius. Talking about Aquarius, it is the 11th zodiac sign of the zodiac. This important transit of Sun is going to happen on 13 February 2024 at 15:31 PM. In Vedic astrology, Sun is considered the main source of energy and it has more importance than all other planets. It is impossible to imagine life without the sun. It is a planet that is masculine in nature and gives determination to handle complex tasks. Apart from this, the planet Sun also represents leadership qualities.
According to astrology, people whose Venus is in a weak position in their horoscope lack immunity. Besides, problems like digestive problems, chronic health related problems trouble them in life. In Vedic astrology, Sun is called the king of the planets. It is a male planet by nature and is considered a dynamic and commanding planet.
Transit of Sun in Aquarius – Importance of Sun planet in Astrology
In astrology, Sun is known as a dynamic planet with high authority. This planet represents effective administration and principles and is a hot planet and also displays all the kingly qualities. Due to Sun being a hot planet, people with powerful Sun are seen to have a more aggressive nature and can show such behavior towards others. It can be accepted by some people and some people need to be careful and use discretion. Without the grace of Sun no person can reach the top position in life in terms of career. A strong Sun position in the horoscope provides all the necessary satisfaction in life, perfect health and a strong mind to the individual.
If the Sun is in a good or strong position in a person’s horoscope, for example in Aries or Leo, then the Sun also has the ability to take the person from a weak position to a strong position. When the Sun is in a favorable position in a person’s horoscope, it proves to give him recognition and a prominent position in his profession. A strong Sun especially when aspected by an auspicious planet like Jupiter provides physical and mental satisfaction to the person and also provides proper assurance to the life of the person.
Sun and its influence in Aquarius
Aquarius is the zodiac sign ruled by Saturn. Sun is opposite to Saturn, hence the results that Sun gives to a person during its transit in Aquarius may not prove to be so good. During this period, the natives may have to face property related problems, disputes with their father and elders or problems related to their workplace. Generally, many changes can be seen in a person’s career during this period and during the stay of Sun in Aquarius, a person can also be seen changing his career again and again. For some people, the transit of Sun in Aquarius may be good depending on the position of the Sun in the horoscope of the person and for other people, the transit of Sun in Aquarius may not be as favourable.
Sun transit in Aquarius 2024: Predictions according to zodiac sign
Let us now move ahead and get information about the effects of Sun’s transit in Aquarius in 2024 on each zodiac sign along with the effective measures to be taken during this period.
For the people of Aries, Sun is the lord of the fifth house and its transit is going to take place in your 11th house.
Talking about the career front, you may get success and recognition in the form of awards and promotions during this time. If you are interested in it then some of you are also going to be successful in getting government related jobs. During this transit of Sun, you will get success in expanding the scope of your career and you may also get new job opportunities. You are also going to travel abroad in connection with your job. Such a foreign trip will prove fruitful for you. If you are expecting any promotion or award then this transit is giving auspicious signs in this regard also.
People of Aries zodiac who are associated with the field of business will get high profit returns in this regard. You may manage to secure new business ventures and achieve success abroad. Your energy level and confidence will be at its peak and along with this you will also achieve many achievements in your business field. You can also taste success by venturing into partnership business and thus, during this time period, you can achieve overall growth in terms of business. If you are into share related business then you will get good returns and you will definitely get success.
Talking about the relationship front, your relationship with your life partner will become more honest and stronger. You will also be seen to be in a position to show more promptness and honesty in your relationship with your beloved. Apart from this, more maturity can come into your life in understanding that you are in a position to remain with your spouse. A good level of understanding between both of you will increase the credibility in your relationship and will prove successful in maintaining good values in your relationship.
If you are in love then during this transit you can enter married life and you will get happiness from it in future.
Talking about the health front, you are not going to face any major health problems except pain in your legs, stiffness in joints etc. Due to your strong attitude and determination in life, your immunity will be excellent. During this period, along with enthusiasm, the energy level will also be good.
Remedy: Recite the mantra ‘Om Suryaaya Namah’ 19 times daily.
For the people of Taurus zodiac, Sun is the lord of the fourth house and during this time it is going to transit in your tenth house.
Talking about career front, during this transit you will prove to be lucky and you will get new opportunities regarding your job. You may get good opportunities for your job abroad and such opportunities will prove fruitful for you because you will feel excited and happy with these new opportunities you get. During this transit, you will get good success in your job by keeping pace with the current times. Your work will also put you in a position to reach higher positions like team leader and higher management staff.
If you are associated with the business sector and if you are doing business abroad then you will definitely get success and will also get profitable returns. It is possible that you are following the principles correctly regarding your business for which you will get benefits. You will emerge as a strong competitor and will also give fair competition to your competitors. The unique strategies you are following in business will prove to be favorable for you and will give tough competition to your competitors. During this transit, doing business in partnership may prove favorable for you.
Talking about the financial aspect, you will get a good amount of money and such earning will be possible due to the hard efforts you are making to earn good money. You are also going to get more encouragement and recognition for your hard work. Along with this, you will also be seen in a strong position to earn money from inheritance and other unexpected sources. Such extra income may surprise you.
Talking about relationships, you will be successful in maintaining a favorable relationship with your life partner. Your family members will fully support you and your spouse for a good life and happiness. You will be honest in showing love towards your spouse and transactions may be adjusted from your side which will make your spouse happy.
Talking about health front, you will get high and positive energy during this transit. Your situation in the family will look good with lots of happiness. Your health is going to be good during this period due to high level of immunity and satisfaction. Your inner satisfaction and confidence that you will manage to maintain within yourself will guide you to good health.
Remedy: Worship planet Jupiter on Thursday.
For the people of Gemini zodiac, Sun is the lord of the third house and during this time it is going to transit in your ninth house.
Talking about career front, if you are working then you will get success during this transit. You will be able to see remarkable progress regarding your job. You may also face a situation of changing jobs for higher job prospects. The prospects of a new job are going to be more favorable for you and you will take advantage of this situation.
If you are associated with the business sector, then this transit will serve the purpose of earning good profits for you and good opportunities may knock for you for high level development abroad. If you do business abroad then it will be very favorable for you to get success during this transit. You will be seen establishing your dominance over your business operations and giving tough competition to your competitors. It will be possible for you to earn more profits in business. If you are doing foreign exchange business then this situation is more favorable for you.
Talking about the financial front, things may seem easy for you because you will be seen in a position to earn more money during this period and luck will also favor you during this transit. Apart from this, there is also a possibility for you to save more money.
Talking about the relationship front, you will be seen flying high with your spouse. You will be in a strong position to maintain a high level of maturity and good understanding with your partner. Apart from this, your relationship with your spouse will become stronger through communication and conversation between you both.
Finally, if we talk about health, you will need to take special care of your health because there is a possibility of pain in knees and feet. Due to which stress may arise in your life. It is possible that you may see these problems due to the low level of immunity within you.
Remedy: Recite the mantra “Om Brim Brihaspatiya Namah” 21 times daily.
For people of Cancer zodiac sign, Sun is the lord of the second house and during this transit, it will come into your eighth house.
Talking about career front, you will get less satisfaction regarding your job during this period. During this transit, work pressure is going to increase on you which may sometimes go out of your control. During this important transit of the Sun, you will have to face some obstacles from your colleagues and this may cause problems for you. Apart from this, you will not be seen to be in a position to maintain cordial relations with your co-workers. You will need to be patient in your approach regarding your job and apart from this, you will also have to maintain patience and harmony in your approach regarding your job, only then you will be able to achieve success in relation to your career. On the other hand, you may also be in a position to get a new job in an unexpected manner which will surprise you. However, such a new job will bring satisfaction in your life.
If you are related to the field of business then during this transit of Sun you will need to plan and schedule your business operations to handle your business operations in a more professional manner. Apart from this, you may have to face some obstacles from your business partners in getting more profits. In return, your business partners will not support you in making your work successful due to which you will have to face tough competition from your competitors. Due to this, you are already being advised to be prepared for tough competition in business.
Talking about the relationship front, during the Sun’s transit in Aquarius, it is possible that you may have an ego-related argument with your spouse and this argument may also come out in an unwanted manner. Arguments with your spouse are likely to happen due to lack of understanding and adjustment due to which there will be some deterioration in the relationship between both of you, hence to maintain a better relationship with your spouse, you will have to resort to adjustment and only then the relationship will improve. You will be able to get good results in terms of. It will give more favorable results for you to give friendly advice to your spouse and maintain friendly behavior to ensure greater connection with your spouse.
Lastly, if we talk about health, you are not going to have any major health problems. However, you will definitely have to face minor problems like pain in legs and stiffness in joints. The most important thing during this transit is to take special care of your eyes, otherwise some major problem related to them may arise in your life.
Remedy: Perform Yagya/Havan on Monday for the planet Moon.
For Leo people, Sun is the lord of the first house and is going to transit in your seventh house.
Talking about the career front, due to this transit of Sun, you will have to face some problems in the relationship with your colleagues and this can arise due to understanding the problems that you are facing with your colleagues. During this transit, you may have higher expectations regarding your career growth. However, you will be seen not being able to get the necessary recognition during this time.
Talking about the business front, if you are doing business then it is possible that you may not be in a position to achieve high level of profits and you may have to see some reduction in profits. To achieve higher efficiency in business, you will need to organize your business and change your business strategies during this transit and this will prove to be the only way by which you will be able to grow your business.
Talking about the financial aspect, during this transit of Sun, you will have to face profits and expenses. You will need to be more careful in handling your finances because there is a high possibility of you incurring financial loss during this transit. It is possible that your commitments may be more during this period and you may not be in a position to fulfill such commitments easily, due to which you may feel lack of money in life.
Talking about the relationship front, you may have to face some ego related problems with your life partner and this is likely to be due to some misunderstanding between you two due to which there will be less happiness between you two.
Finally, if we talk about health, you will not have to face any major health problem but you may have to face pain in the legs. Also, during this period, your immunity will also be low due to which problems may arise in your life. To maintain your health, doing meditation and yoga will prove to be more beneficial for you.
Remedy: Donate food to the poor on Sunday.
For Virgo zodiac people, Sun is the lord of the twelfth house and is now going to transit in your sixth house.
Talking about career front, you will get ease and stability in your job. Apart from this, if you are a working professional then you will achieve progress in your life and will also be able to showcase your skills more. You may also get good opportunities to travel abroad in connection with your career and such on-site opportunities will prove favorable for you.
Talking about the business front, if you are doing business then during this time you will get high level of profit and due to this you will be successful in achieving due to your professionalism and will power. You will be able to get high profits and operate the business and you will not face losses. Apart from this, you will also be seen giving tough competition to your competitors during this period.
Talking about the financial front, you are going to get good financial gains during this period due to which you will accumulate wealth and also be seen moving ahead.
Talking about the relationship front, you will show honesty in maintaining a good and favorable relationship with your life partner. Your relationship will get stronger due to the honest attitude maintained by you. You will enjoy your mature relationship with your spouse.
Finally, on the health front, the transit of Sun in Aquarius will bless you with good health. During this time, you will be seen in good health condition and this will be possible due to the enthusiasm and energy present within you. You will have enough energy in your life to fight all the obstacles and thus your health will remain good.
Remedy: Perform Havan or Yagya for Lord Sun on Sunday.
For Libra people, Sun is the lord of the 11th house and is now going to transit in your fifth house.
Talking about the career front, you will not be able to get complete satisfaction regarding whatever work you are doing. You may also have to face lack of luxuries in your life and you may not be in a position to fulfill your desires. If you transfer or move abroad regarding your career then you will be in a position to get satisfaction and growth in your job otherwise you will not be able to feel completely happy and satisfied.
If you are involved in the field of business, you may get moderate profits during this transit. Sometimes you will get no profit and sometimes you will get no loss. Moving your business abroad can bring you higher profitable returns and you can also get further new business deals.
Talking about the relationship front, you are likely to have a fierce fight with your spouse. This problem may be due to ego related issues and lack of understanding. It is possible that due to some ongoing problems with your family, you may see its impact on your relationship with your spouse. You will need to adjust and improve differences with your partner so that you can maintain harmony in your relationship.
Talking about money front, you may have to face loss and gain of money. During this transit, you are going to get both expenses and profit.
Lastly, if we talk about health, there will be no major health problems during this period except pain in your legs and thighs, but during this transit, you may have to spend a lot of money on the health of your mother and the health of your entire family. However, nothing negative is going to happen to your health.
Remedy: Worship Goddess Lakshmi on Friday.
Sun is the lord of your tenth house and will be placed in the fourth house during this transit.
Talking about the career front, during this transit you may have to face the situation of changing your job for better prospects. You will always focus on developing your work and achieving more quality regarding work. During this transit, you will have to travel more in connection with work.
Talking about the financial front, during the transit of Sun in Aquarius, you will get moderate financial gains and in such a situation, the scope for savings will also be average. Whatever money you earn, you will be seen using it for your family because more commitments may come up in your life during this time due to which the scope for savings seems limited.
Talking about the relationship front, during this transit you will not be able to maintain good relations with your life partner. There is a possibility of more arguments due to differences with your life partner, for which you will need to adjust well.
Talking about the health front, your health will not be very favorable during this transit of Sun as you may complain of pain in your legs and thighs which is likely to arise due to the lack of immunity present in you, hence you will have to take proper care of yourself in a stable manner. There will be a need to focus on health building.
Remedy: Perform Yagya Havan for planet Jupiter on Thursday.
During this transit of Sun, Sun, being the lord of the ninth house for the natives, is going to be situated in the third house.
Talking about career, you will be able to get good fortune and proper appreciation for your dedicated work which will make it possible for you to be successful in your professionalism. You are also going to get encouragement and promotion. You will also get on-site job opportunities which will bring you success in future and happiness in present.
Talking about the business front, you are going to get good profits during this transit of Sun. You will get good profits from foreign sources.
Talking about the financial aspect, luck will favor you on this front and the influence of money will remain in your life. During this transit of Sun, you may also gain money from shares and other unexpected sources, due to which you will be successful in increasing your wealth significantly.
Talking about the relationship front, you will be successful in maintaining a cordial relationship with your life partner. Due to this, your coordination with your spouse will increase during this transit. Both of you will understand each other well and the love between you and your spouse will increase.
Talking about health, your increased immunity level during this period will prove beneficial for your health. This will be possible due to the necessary energy and enthusiasm present within you.
Remedy: Perform Yagya Havan for Lord Shiva on Thursday.
For Capricorn people, Sun is the lord of the eighth house and is now going to be placed in your second house.
Talking about career front, you may have to face the situation of change in job or change in strategies during this period. During this transit of Sun, you may have to go on a foreign trip unexpectedly. Even if you are in a good job, you will need to change jobs. On the other hand, during this transit, you may also have to face some adverse situations with your superiors and colleagues.
Talking about the professional front, if you are associated with the business sector then during this transit you will neither get much profit nor suffer much loss. Meaning in simple words, there is scope for profit through you. You may also have to face a situation of no profit no loss and tough competition from your competitors.
Talking about money front, you will be seen earning profits through inheritance and business practices instead of earning more money in the usual way. Along with earning money, you can also lose it. Even if you earn good money, you will still not be in a position to save.
Talking about the relationship front, due to lack of understanding and harmonious behavior between both of you, unwanted arguments may arise in your relationship. During this transit, you will feel a lack of love and will also not be successful in maintaining good standards and moral values with your partner, both of which are essential for a strong relationship.
Talking about health, during this transit you may face pain in legs, joints and stiffness in thighs etc. Due to lack of immunity, such problems can arise in your life. Due to which you may suffer during this transit. Due to this, there will be a need to work in these areas to maintain better health.
Remedy: Perform Yagya Havan for planet Saturn on Saturday.
For Aquarius people, Sun is the lord of the seventh house and is now going to transit in your first house.
Talking about the career front, you will have to face some obstacles in the form of job pressure and trouble from your superiors due to which you will not receive appreciation for all the hard work you are doing. You may also have to face sudden job change and problems with colleagues. You may be seen thinking of changing jobs for better prospects.
If you are involved in the field of business, then this transit will prove to be a do or die situation for your business because you will not be able to get the expected profits during this period. You may face increasing competition from your competitors regarding your business. Apart from this, there is a possibility of increase in tension related to your business and this will become a cause of worry for you.
Talking about the financial front, you may suffer financial loss during the journey and this is going to increase your worries. You will also have to lend money to your friends and it is possible that you may not get this money back due to which you will be seen borrowing money from the bank to meet your needs.
Talking about the relationship front, you will have to suffer from lack of harmony in life due to lack of understanding between you and your partner. Due to this lack of understanding, you are also likely to have an argument with your life partner. It is going to be very important for you to maintain proper coordination and mutual adjustment with your life partner. The lack of love between you and your life partner is clearly visible during this period.
Lastly, if we talk about health, you may have to spend a lot of money on the health of your life partner or friends and this will become a cause of worry for you. You may also be worried about your physical fitness.
Remedy: Recite the mantra ‘Om Mandaya Namah’ 108 times daily.
For Pisces people, Sun is the lord of the sixth house and is going to transit in your twelfth house.
Talking about the career front, during this transit you may be seen changing jobs undesirably and the prospects of such a job will not prove to be adequate or promising for you. During this transit, there will be lack of satisfaction in your life regarding work. Whatever recognition you are expecting in your job, you will find it lacking.
People of this zodiac sign who are associated with the business sector are going to get only moderate profits during this period. You may also have to face loss. You are also likely to face more threats from your competitors.
Talking about the financial front, you will be seen earning average money during this period and whatever money you earn during this transit may end up in expenses. This situation will also prove to be troublesome for you.
Talking about the relationship front, the love of your life may get lost due to which you may fail to maintain the necessary sweetness in your relationship with your spouse. Due to all this, there is a possibility of developing problems related to understanding.
Lastly, if we talk about health, there is a danger of your immunity getting reduced during this period in your life, due to which you may complain of pain in your legs and thighs. Such things will cause stress in your life.
Remedy: Perform Yagya Havan for Goddess Lakshmi Kuber on Friday.
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