Leo Love Weekly Horoscope will give good insight in your love life whether you are single or attached. Sun ruled lions will be strong and demanding in love. What Leo Love this week holds for you in romance. Lions are always in search of the right opportunities, our love forecasts give you the right inputs to move ahead. Without any astrological jargons here is your easy to follow forecasts for this week.
A friendly start to the week is good for your ego, but then there could be a lack of confidence around a financial concern. You might not know how to deal with other people, or what position you need to take in your personal relations. Just watch proceedings with that perceptive eye of yours and all will come right in time. Get the household into shape as the week draws on, then give yourself room to enjoy the rock ‘n’ roll! Someone sweet and tasty could be drawn to you, so Saturday and Sunday are best for the single Lion on the prowl. Share the mighty Geminid meteor display with your new squeeze.
Let things find their place under the Libran Moon and don’t push to get what you want. Your love will feel the passion and the two of you should enjoy a roll in the hay. If responsibility or organisation is driving your life, maybe it’s time for a review about where you’re going and how you’re getting there. Enjoy domestic bliss and chores with your love first up then splash out on a romantic dinner or an entertainment. The Scorpio Moon on Thursday and Friday asks for a new start at home, so perfume the boudoir and be ready. Romance is definitely in the air on the weekend, so snuggle up at home together, take a peek at the Geminid meteor display, and enjoy the ambience!
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