Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope, Taurus Love this week

Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope will give good insight in your love life in this week whether you are single or attached. Taurus the second sign is Zodiac is little reserved in love matters but they are committed and trust worthy. Find out Taurus weekly love life for this week.

Taurus Love Weekly

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Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope 10 March 2025 - 16 March 2025

Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope for Single

Step back and take stock from behind the scenes as the Sun rolls into Aries. Take a timeout, either for rest or for a shift of focus to creative or spiritual concerns. You'll have the strength to deal with a blast from the past. Midweek will pull you back to the halls of the Bull to consider what it is that really moves you and examine any minor health concerns. You may have a worry or a fiscal problem to ponder. An emotional change will work itself into the picture and you'll hit a wave of that on Friday. Funny, that. However, there's action for the Bull on the weekend, when fun and feasting are in the frame. Don't get fussed with friends and neighbours and avoid risks or hot words, even if important wires manage to get themselves crossed. Secret enemies may be sharpening their nasty little knives. Think global, but act local.

Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope for Attached

Go with the flow first up then take a step back, especially from the social demands and enjoy a little decadent privacy with your love. Get wicked with a late lie-in or an early night. If others get hot under the collar just leave them to it. Watch the impulse buy. When the Sun enters Aries, your house of secrets and sorrows. Communications won't run as smoothly as you'd like between now and the end of April, especially when you're trying to keep something a secret or choose your words carefully. Take a few deep breaths and try not to get frustrated. Let your body observe its own natural rhythms and avoid forcing yourself to work against them, You'll be in the mood for food and a little neighbourly indulgence on the weekend. Take care if you're travelling or in chance encounters, as someone will incline to the verbal spray.

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Taurus Love Weekly

Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope for Single

Work occupies your mind early on, so don’t get grumpy with the Figures in Power. A little kow-towing will not go astray, but the single Bull should keep eyes and ears open, for love in the Corridors of Power. Or maybe with a co-worker. Get into a co-operative frame of mind as the week draws on. Move slinkily in or around the feistiness of others, as you get on with the business of pleasure. It’s heated and complex under the Scorpio Moon as the week draws on, as others have an agenda and financial concerns must be dealt with. An easy delight under the stunning Geminid meteor display will solve many problems.

Taurus Love Weekly Horoscope for Attached

If your love is very laid back at the start, it could be because you are preoccupied with a matter from work. Pay attention to your health too, in case some symptoms show up. Step in time to the music as Wednesday rolls around. It’s about you and your love, so do the things you both enjoy. The Moon in sexy Sagittarius adds to the stimulation on the weekend, but can also create some potential conflict between you. Don’t add to the pressure by pushing at them and, if needed, spice up your love life with a fantasy or an unexpected ambush. As the glorious Geminid display peaks on Sunday, clear the cobwebs with an adventure for the two of you.

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