Dreams Interpretations – Dreaming is a fascinating phenomenon. The dreamer is mysteriously transported into another world. The exact origin of dream interpretation is unknown. The earliest examples of dreams being interpreted is in the Bible.
In the words of the great Tibetan sage LobsangRampa, “Dreams are windows into another world”.
Dreaming is such a wonderful phenomenon and dreams are so fascinating that even the earliest races of human beings must have desired to learn to interpret their dreams.
According to some researchers the interpretations of dreams dates back to 3000 to 4000 B.C.
Greeks and Romans believed that their gods and ancestors conveyed important messages through dreams. This belief was further strengthened when many people received solutions to their problems and general guidance through their dreams.
Political and military leaders used to base their important decisions upon their dreams. Dream interpreters used to accompany war leaders during wars so that they could base war strategies on dream interpretations.
The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that dreams are results of physiological conditions and revealed the onset of diseases. They based their diagnoses of diseaseson dreams.
Greeks believed in the healing power of dreams so they built special temples for the sick persons for sleeping and getting cured through their dreams.
Egyptians believed that the dream interpreters were divinely gifted hence they respected them. The Egyptians having great faith in dreams compiled a book which contains good as well as bad dreams, the bad dreams were written in red, their colour of bad omen. This ancient Dreams Book is now part of the archives at the British Museum in London.
Chinese believed that during sleep the psyche of a person left the body and went to its true abode on the astral plane and re-entered the body on its waking. Because of this belief even today some Chinese avoid using alarm clocks fearing that if woken up suddenly the soul may fail to enter the body.
Like other ancient cultures, the Babylonians too believed that dreams were either good or bad. They believed that the good dreams were sent by the gods and the bad dreams by demons. They also believed that there was a strong connection between the religious beliefs and dreams. They believed in their own ‘Goddess of Dreams’, whom they prayed to ward off bad dreams or nightmares.
The Hebrews believed that good dreams were sent by God and bad dreams by evil spirits.
Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar
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