From Bitto Sharma of ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’ to Ram of ‘Ram Leela’ to Kabir of ‘DilDhadakneDo’ the peppy actor displays positive energy of Mars..
Ranveer with full name as Ranveer Singh Bhavnani was born on 6th July 1985. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University, Bloomington (US) Ranveer returned to India to pursue a career in films.
In 2010, during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Jupiter he acted in his debut romantic comedy film ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’ which turned out to be a critical and commercial success, earning him a Filmfare Award.
Mars gives Him a Peppy Persona
In his chart the 3rd and 8th lord Mars from the 10th house of action aspects his ascendant, 4th house of mind and the 5th house of intellect. The ascendant in a Vedic birth chart represents the core personality of the native.
In his chart Mars falls in the constellation of Jupiter. Although Jupiter is debilitated in the birth chart yet it is exalted in the Navamsha (D/9) chart. Due to Mars in Jupiter’s constellation he is bestowed with positive energy of Mars.
Venus Gives Him Success and Glory
For his chart of Virgo ascendant, Venus as lord of the 2nd and 9th lord is most favourable planet for him. Placement of Venus in its own viz. the 9th house of luck gives him good luck. Venus as the significator of film and TV line is bound to give him ever increasing success.
Is Ranveer in Love with Deepika Padukone?
Well, all his fans know there is no doubt about that. Deepika and Ranveer Singh came together for the first time in Sanjay LeelaBhansali’s ‘Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-leela’.
The couple developed intimacy during the making of this film.
On 20th December 2014 during the sub-sub-period of the 5th lord Saturn in the sub-period of Mars in the main period of 7th lord Jupiter Ranveer publically announced, “I love you” to Deepika Padukone. Since both the 5th house of love affair as well as the 7th house of marriage is involved so there are chances of their future marriage plans.
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