Yogakaraka Planets

A Yogakaraka planet as per Vedic astrology is believed to have a powerful and positive impact on the life of the individual concerned. It could be a probable source of success and elevation in life.

Yogakaraka Planets

As per the principles of Vedic astrology a planet is called Yogakaraka if the same planet rules a square and a Trine house.

The 1st house or the ascendant is both a square as well as a trine house. The remaining three square houses are 4th, 7th and 10th and the remaining two trine houses are 5th and 9th.

The four square houses viz. the 1st ,4th ,7th and 10th are the core of a birth chart and if these houses are well occupied then the native is likely to have success in material pursuits of life.

The three trine houses viz. the 1st, 5th and the 9th are the source of all talent, wisdom, inspiration, guidance and creative genius for the native.

Yogakaraka Planet forms a Raja Yoga

A single planet having lordship of a square as well as a trine house in a birth chart forms an auspicious and powerful Raja Yoga which means a ‘Royal Combination.’

During their sub-periods (antardashas) as well as main periods(mahadashas) the Yogakaraka planets tend to give favourable results. The areas of results depend upon the houses involved and various other factors decide the strength of the yoga formed.

Yogakaraka planets occur only in birth charts of Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant signs as described in the table-1 below:

Table-1: Yogakaraka Planets

Ascendant sign

TheYogakaraka planet




9th and 10th



5th and 10th



4th and 9th



4th and 5th



5th and 10th



4th and 9th

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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