Yoga for Better Mental Health

It is surprising to hear, but it is said that Yoga leads to better mental health, such as reduced anxiety and depression. It makes your brain work faster and better. Yoga also improves cognitive skills like learning and memory. Think of Yoga as weightlifting for the brain. Activities like Meditation also improve your mood. There is always a feeling of relaxation and bliss after a good Yoga session. This happens because exercise naturally increases serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good. Yoga is very impactful for people suffering from mental health issues. One should try doing Yoga whenever they are feeling a little low or stressed. So here are some impactful Yoga poses for your mental well-being.


1. Sukhasana

Also known as Easy Pose, this is a pose where the base of your spine connects to the earth, which helps you feel deeply grounded and also centers you. It can help you overcome anxiety and depression and regain confidence. While doing this pose, you can even chant a mantra or watch your breath, which helps in mind clearing.


What Is Yoga?

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also known as the Downward-Facing Dog Pose, this pose increases blood flow to your brain. In this pose, you have to lengthen your spine while strengthening your arms, shoulders, and legs. After this pose, we can experience better energy and mental clarity.


Asanas, Asanas benefits, List of Asanas

3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Also known as the Upward-Facing Dog Pose, this is an excellent pose for handling anxiety and depression. This posture helps open your heart and remove pent-up emotions in your chest. It regulates your respiratory system and brings heart and mind clarity.


4. Salamba Sarvangasana

Also known as the Shoulder Stand, this pose helps excellently in relieving anxiety and depression. It also increases blood flow to the brain, thus increasing mind clarity and balancing your emotions. Do not try this pose if you have neck or shoulder problems, high blood pressure, or if you are menstruating.


Advantages Of Yoga

5. Uttanasana

Another name for this pose is the Standing Forward Fold Pose, which simply means touching your toes. It helps in removing tension in the neck, shoulders, and back while directing blood to your brain. Its regular practice can make you feel great.


6. Savasana

Also known as the Corpse Pose, this pose is one of the most gentle, easy, and comforting poses in Yoga. It is great for controlling your mind, and reducing stress, anxiety, and depression while bringing clarity. This pose is mainly performed at the end of yoga sessions to integrate all your energy.


Why Practice Yoga?

Feeling a bit pressurized in your office or stressed in your love life? Try doing yoga. Try these poses and see the positive effects on your mental health. Yoga is a very useful tool for both your physical and mental health. Every person can practice the above-mentioned poses and then notice the changes themselves. Mental health is a very sensitive topic and one should not neglect it by any chance. Also, along with Yoga, don’t hesitate to consult a therapist if you are feeling mentally exhausted. Mental and physical health both matter.

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