Yoga Cure for Obesity

The article aims at describing an easy Yoga posture for controlling obesity.Obesity in the United States is highest in the world and has become a major health issue in recent decades.


Let us understand that Obesity and Overweight are different terms. You may be overweight but not obese. Still both these terms convey that you have more weight than what is considered healthy for a person.

The body weight may come from bones, muscles, water and fat. In short obesity means having too much of fat.

Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight Category

Eating more calories than are used by the body causes obesity. Factors that might affect your weight include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods, and lack of physical activity.

Obesity increases risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers.In order to determine under which category of weight you fall, first of all find out your Body Mass Index (BMI). Then see under which category you fall from the table.

The WHO formula for calculating Body Mass Index is:

Weight in Kilograms
Body Mass Index (BMI) = ————————————————
(Height in Meters X Height in Meters)

Note: In the WHO (World Health Organisation) formula as above gender and age are not taken into account.

Body Mass Index

Weight Category

19 to 24.9

Normal or Healthy

25 to 29.9


30 to 34.9

Obesity level-1

35 to 39.9

Obesity level-2

 Greater than or equal to 40

Obesity level-3

Example: Just to illustrate the use of the above formula suppose your height is 1.75 meters and weight is 80 Kg.

80 80
Then your BMI as per WHO is = ——————- =———————— = 26.122
(1.75X1.75) 3.0625

Conclusion: So as per the above table you fall into overweight category and not obesity.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) for Controlling Obesity

In addition to diet control and medical care this Yoga posture will help. You are advised to take advise of your doctor before doing this posture:


How to do Bhujangasana

Follow the steps as below.
1 Lie on a rug facing down with hands on the side and toes touching together.


Step-2: Bring both hands to the front at the shoulder level, with palms resting on the floor.


Step-3: Slowly uplift your trunk and head while resting on the palms alone. Arch your neck slightly backwards. This final pose looks like a cobra.

Breathe normally and hold the posture for few seconds in the beginning and later increase as per capacity and comfort.

Release the pose by coming back to step-1 and breathe normally.


Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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