Taurus Horoscope 2022

Taurus Horoscope 2022

Taurus horoscope for 2022 reveals this year to be great for its natives. Their personal life will be full of happiness and joy. Natives would maintain good relations with their family members and relatives. They will have multiple sources of income this year which will bring them amazing opportunities.

This year on April 13, Jupiter will transit to 11th house of Pisces and on April 12 north lunar node to 12th house. On 29th April Saturn will enter into 10th house of Aquarius and on 12th July 9th house of Capricorn.

This year will be better than previous, all problems will be solved after entry of Jupiter in Pisces. You would feel more sociable. And you would also be able to build good relations. In your professional and personal life, decision making power will be better. You will able to make more money by investing or by business deals.

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modify(‘last day of this month’);
$dateC=new DateTime(‘now’);
$dateCurrentdate=date(‘Y-m-d’, strtotime($dateC11));

$monthonly = date(“m”);

$dailyxml=simplexml_load_file(“/var/www/vhosts/truthstar.com/httpdocs/daily/aries”. $monthonly . “.xml”) or die(“Error: Cannot create object”);

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$dateonly = date(“d”);

//date(“l d F Y”)

$currentday = $dateonly;

$previousday = $dateonly – 1;

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$currentday = str_replace(’01’, ‘1’, $currentday);
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$currentday = str_replace(’03’, ‘3’, $currentday);
$currentday = str_replace(’04’, ‘4’, $currentday);
$currentday = str_replace(’05’, ‘5’, $currentday);
$currentday = str_replace(’06’, ‘6’, $currentday);
$currentday = str_replace(’07’, ‘7’, $currentday);
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$currentday = str_replace(’09’, ‘9’, $currentday);

$previousdateonly=”day” . $previousday;

$currentdateonly=”day” . $currentday;

$nextdateonly=”day” . $nextday;

$nextdaytitle = date(‘l d F Y’, strtotime(‘ +1 day’));
$previousdaytitle = date(‘l d F Y’, strtotime(‘ -1 day’));
$currentdaytitle = date(‘l d F Y’);


In the month of June, transit of Venus will turn this year as best time of your life. You would receive love and support and give the same. Along with it you will be more attractive and pleasant to people.

Jupiter will bring prosperity and increased wealth in the month of October. New adventures will make your horizon expand. During this there will be spiritual and devotional growth. But try not to spend much.

End of the year will mark as a post turning point. If your desires are not fulfilled then this is right time to reinvigorate it. After passing a difficult moment, your self-confidence and energy will return back. You can then start your new foundations with new directions of being successful.

Simple Remedies  for success, growth and prosperity

Taurus Love Life 2022

According to horoscope 2022, you will get full support of your partner and your partner will be a motivation for you to succeed and will boost confidence in you. You should not bring any conflict or disagreement. This year will be full of happiness especially mid-year in terms of love for taurus natives.

Love & Relationship | Love Related Problems | Taurus Love Compatibility

Taurus Career 2022

According to horoscope 2022, this year will be good for natives in terms of careers. This is because Jupiter will be in your 11th house most of the year. Your workplace might get relocated due to the placement of Saturn in your 4th house. Natives searching for job might get it. Better profit than previous year will be seen. Be aware of financial frauds and don’t trust everything you listen. Taurus natives will be successful due to the placement of Saturn 9th house.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope | Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope | Taurus Weekly Career horoscope | Taurus Weekly Health Horoscope | Taurus Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Taurus Education 2022

According to horoscope 2022, this year is expected to be moderate in terms of education. students will show interest and will be focused towards their academics. Students will be successful in fulfilling their dreams of higher education and students preparing for competitive exams will get positive results after April.

Taurus Financial 2022

According to horoscope 2022, this year will be satisfactory in terms of finance. Expenses could arise in social commitments or auspicious events. But timely you can see an increase in your income. During mid 2022 you can invest in long term investments and can be successful in your financial projects. During mid-September, you can improve your financial conditions by new ideas and thinking. So be cautious.

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Taurus Family 2022

According to horoscope 2022, new place will be benefitted for your horizon. New member could enter in your family. Be prepared for various experiences. Long tour is expected because of family reasons. Due to which your family and community relationships could improve. Your base of operation may shift to a new place and good results could be seen in purchasing and selling of property.
Taurus Astro Monthly | Taurus Tarot Monthly

Taurus Children 2022

According to horoscope 2022, this year will be medium profitable because your children will get success according to their hard work. They will succeed through their mental ability. During April, due to transmit of Jupiter in your 5th house, newly married might get good news. Your children will be successful. You will receive happy news from your first child and constant growth will be seen in your children. If your child is at marriageable age, then they might get married.

Taurus Marriage Making 2022

According to horoscope 2022, chances of current situation to improve. Family member’s and your dear one’s commitment will bring peace and smoothness to your married life. Jupiter’s aspect will let you clear all your misunderstandings. Your tendency of being playful will bring problems and distance between you and your partner. So be cautious. Venus will let you build emotional bond with your partner. You’ll be highly satisfied with your partner this year. If your single then you could find your soulmate through social media. Overall, this year will be full of love and strength.

Taurus Business Bonus 2022

According to horoscope 2022, business owners will be highly lucky and successful this year. Natives may expect more than desired profit this year. You can invest in new projects and will get fruitful results. You’ll be successful in making influential contacts which will help your business in different ways. Be aware during money transactions. Impending business may start again.

Other Horoscopes

Free Daily horoscope | Free Monthly Horoscope

Taurus Property and Vehicle 2022

According to horoscope 2022, this year will be lucky in terms of property and vehicle. This year will be good and your income could increase. You will enjoy constant flow of income. Due to placement of Saturn in your 9th house, you can purchase house, land, vehicle, gems and jewelry. Expenditure is expected on your family member’s or relative’s auspicious occasion. Think twice before investing or get suggestions from someone experienced.

Taurus Wealth and Profit 2022

According to horoscope 2022, placement of Venus and Jupiter is moderate so this year will be moderate for natives. Your income will increase in context to wealth and profit. You’ll get full support of your destiny this year. Moderate results will be seen in the beginning. Your income will be increase but your expenses will also increase. You’ll be interested more in land, property, and vehicle this year. Long pending debts will be cleared because of Jupiter transiting in your 11th house. Expenses will occur in the auspicious occasion for your big brother, sister, or your son.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope | Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope | Taurus Weekly Career horoscope | Taurus Weekly Health Horoscope | Taurus Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Taurus Happy Health 2022

According to horoscope 2022, establishing healthy lifestyle would be profitable for your health during mid-year. Along with it, if you are addicted to food or anything or bad habits such as smoking or drinking, then you might give up them this year. Maintain a daily timetable is advised so that you can work on things you couldn’t. Maintain your weight will be challenging but be disciplined to beat this up.

Taurus Lucky Numbers 2022

According to horoscope 2022, lucky number is 06 and 08 and natives will be very rational. Every second they will work hard to get their desired and standard lifestyle.

Taurus Astrological Remedies 2022

Wear an Opal gemstone in your ring finger in silver or white gold.
Put sky blue lamp on your study to improve focus and attention towards study.
Offer food to married women on Tuesdays.
Distribute food to workers working in construction sites.
Distribute sugar, white sweets to poor on Friday. By doing this your destiny will favor you.

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