Scorpio Mercury the Messenger 2017

Mercury, the Cosmic Messenger, usually goes retrograde three times a year for a brief period of about three weeks each time, but Mercury will be enjoying a retrograde phase four times this year. During these phases, hiccups are likely with communication, travel, transport, misunderstandings, lack of information, phone problems, breakdowns with certain appliances, or machinery and component failure. This can happen because of inattention to detail, messages being unclear, or overlooking the fine print in documents. Fine-tune areas that need your attention; other people may be holding back on information that you are after, or has it simply been misplaced, even lost in the mail?

Ideas and plans that begin at the onset of a retrograde period usually get delayed or put on the backburner for another time. While Mercury is retrograde, a process of review can effectively resolve problems, more so when Mercury goes back into direct motion through the zodiac. Not everyone is badly affected by a retrograde phase, due to Mercury’s condition in the natal chart; for instance, should the Messenger be retrograde at the time of birth, a retro phase in the heavens can give you the flow of tidying up loose ends, clearing paperwork, or looking at areas that need your attention.

It’s important to double-check arrangements for possible mistakes; listen to what others have to say and make yourself clearly understood. If possible, hold off on major decisions, major purchases, verbal and written agreement and the signing of crucial documents. The year’s Mercury retrograde phases are outlined below, giving an insight into the year ahead.

December 19, 2016 – January 8th, 2017, Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, 3rd/2nd house

This is the remainder of the Mercury retrograde phase that began last year on December 19th, in your 3rd house of Communication. Mercury remains retrograde at the start of January in your 3rd house reintroducing conditions from December 2016. On January 4th Mercury retrogrades into fiery Sagittarius, your 2nd house of personal finances, when you will fine-tune your income, budget and expenditure. The Cosmic Prankster then turns direct on January 8th and back into Capricorn your 3rd house on January 12th. The Sun also beams into your 3rd house giving you time to think about important events, catching up on the calls you have been meaning to make, and following up on local and overseas news. This period can will call attention to your modes of communication, which can go haywire, along with car problems, travel and transport hiccups and delays with mail and parcels. Romance will surround you too, but make sure you express your feelings without being misunderstood. Once Mercury is out of its shadow phase on January 28th, you’ll be able to make decisions and move on with your plans.

April 9th – 20th, Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, 7th /6th house

On April 9th, Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, your 7th house of significant commitments. This will slow down the pace with discussions, litigation and agreements in place within relationships, alliances and business partnerships arrangements. Understand the commitments that you have been thinking about making, and go back to reviewing any decision-making you have entered into.

The Cosmic Prankster then re-enters Aries on April 20th, your 6th house of work and health. You will revert to considering work changes and routines, analysing your efficiency and taking action where necessary to clear outstanding work. Health issues may be on your mind, so take steps with your diet and exercise. Is it time to make that dental or doctor’s appointment? You may negotiate on money matters, with relationship commitments also in the frame. Discussions that took place at the end of February, or during March 23rd to the 28th, are likely to be raised with further talks from April 27th to the 30th asking for a final resolution. Mercury turns direct on May 3rd in Aries, then moves forward to re-enter Taurus, your 8th house on May 16th. Merc remains in a shadow phase until May 19th. By then you will have had the opportunity to clear any misunderstandings.

August 13th to 31st, Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo, 11th / 10th house

On August 13th, the Cosmic Prankster turns retrograde in your 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes. Just when your mind was on reconnecting with friends, joining a social group or building on your future hopes and dreams, Mercury pulls the plug on your intentions. Your ideas and goals will reach a temporary halt while you revert to other schemes. The damage may have already been done in a conversation to a friend, if you haven’t kept up to a promise you made. A partner’s child may be problematic.

On the 31st, Mercury re-enters Leo briefly, reactivating your 10th house of careers and ambitions. You may have progressed in the queue over a career application, or need to recap on proposals and negotiate with superiors and employers. On September 5th, Mercury turns direct in Leo before re-entering Virgo on the 10th, when you can then turn your attention to friends and social activities. Mercury will be out of the shadow phase on September 20th just as Venus enters your 11th house. September 19th to the 21st sees a risk of deception amongst friends, and gambling loses.

December 3 – 23rd, 2017, Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, 2nd house

This is the last Mercury retrograde phase for the year, beginning on December 3rd in your 2nd house of personal earnings. You will take a serious approach to handing money as Mercury is in conjunction with stern Saturn from December 1st to the 8th. News on finances may be somewhat disheartening, especially if you are expecting a bit more than you receive. Likewise, it will be worth your while to be frugal at the start of December; work to a tight budget on gifts and review your expenditure. Fortunately, Venus also in your 2nd house could assist with extra financial resources just when you need it, but refrain from being extravagant with purchases. Problems that arise from November 25th to the 30th will be in the picture once more. Mercury returns to direct motion on December 23rd, but will remain in a shadow phase until January 11th, 2018 after which time you be able to refresh your budget and work towards new plans in 2018.

Lunar Life with Lady Moon

Your personal Full Moon blazes in Scorpio on May 10th. This Full Moon marks the culmination of major events that took place at the end of October 2016. Your attention will be drawn to work and health, resolving concerns with workplace agreements, public relations and your relationship with work colleagues. Mercury and Venus briefly remain in a shadow phase, giving you the chance to mend differences and resume work if it has been recently interrupted. This is not the time to take risky chances with financial speculations. Problems and deception could arise over joint resources, possessions and other people’s money. Hold over any decision on moneymaking deals.

Your personal New Moon occurs on November 18th in Scorpio, your 1st house of personality. This will be a fabulous start for Scorpions! With the two benefics, sensual Venus and benevolent Jupiter, in your 1st house, it will be a fortunate and promising year in 2018. It’s a special time of the year for you to express your persuasive charm, creativity, change your self-image, look sensational and seductive. It is also promising for personal and spiritual growth, thanks to Jupiter. However, there may be a tendency to be out of sync and overreact emotionally when you feel pressured by unexpected changes at work or with health concerns. Try to adjust to different situations, learn to relax and rest up. You’ll view the world in a better light, show self-confidence and attract valuable relationships.

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