January 2025

Scorpio Eclipses 2017

Eclipses can instigate a major turning point in your life, and are best not to be ignored. They have a long-lasting period of 6th months and have a much stronger effect than a regular lunation. Depending on your natal chart, the effects of course can vary due to planetary degrees and aspects. Here are the major eclipses for 2017.

A Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 11th will influence your 10th house of career and ambitions. This Lunar Eclipse highlights your career, drive for success, long-range plans and recognition in your profession. It will also influence your area of work and health, and a see a possible romantic attraction in the workplace, thanks to sensual Venus and passionate Mars in your 6th house. Be open to unexpected changes which may have a fortunate turn of events with your money situation and plans on the domestic scene. Stimulating Mars will prompt you to push yourself harder through work, upset the status quo, and potentially suffer from illnesses, accidents and surgical operations. Emotions are usually charged up the day before and right on the Full Moon, so beware of dramas. Find a balance between your financial obligations, career, home environment and family.

A New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th will be in your 5th house of romance, creativity and speculation. This significant Solar Eclipse revolves around events from September 2016. You’ll have a greater need to express your emotions through words. Scorps may have an interest from the past re-enter their life, or meet a significant person who will have quite a romantic impact. You’ll take a new course in relationships, showing your creativity through writing, children’s activities, and taking time out to enjoy entertainment. The energy at this time could also provoke unpredictable behaviour in the workplace, such as impatience and a need to overdo your physical output. It will be important to practice safety precautions and look after any health issues.

A Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th occurs in your 4th house of home and family. This Lunar Eclipse influences the home front and family relationships. Conditions could unveil plans to move from your place of residence, or be involved with real estate and rental properties. It is a time when a family member might decide to leave home, or when you’ll take care of agreements and contracts. Sentimental objects, possessions, photos and collections will also be in the frame. With fearless Mars sitting on the mid-heaven, make careful long-range plans, and avoid conflict with the authorities, your employer, and those in your profession. With this energy surrounding you, watch for impulsive behaviour, disagreements, and potential endings. Mercury is due to go retrograde on August 13th, so be mindful of your actions, future goals and aspirations.

A New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st affects your 10th house of career and ambitions. This Solar Eclipse has a strong potential to bring unexpected changes, setting you on a new course in your career path, work sphere, and with your aspirations. Mercury is in a retrograde phase at this time and will re-enter your 10th house on August 31st, to meet resolutions and re-assess your pathway. You’ll be working behind the scenes to further your own interests and personal growth, which will aid you in achieving recognition and rewards. Be open to opportunities that may put you in a position of leadership, but at the same time uphold your reputation and avoid conflict with important people and authority types.

That’s it for our Annual Forecast for 2017, dear Scorpio. Don’t forget to follow up by reading our regular monthly and weekly forecasts for more detailed analysis. For a personal forecast tailored just for your individual needs, visit our order page and select Monthly Personal Predictions or a personal Annual Forecast and Transit Report. Have great year in 2017!

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