The New Year hits the tarmac under the Sun in Capricorn, your 3rd house of communication, so your mental processes are energized. Filled with new ideas, you have the urge to read more, gather information and learn new things. You need to communicate as you get busy planning projects, attending meetings, running errands and taking short trips. Buying a computer, new car, or communications gear, or upgrading your present equipment may well be on your to-do list. Connections with siblings and neighbours increase, and you may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but resist the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience.
Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn too, so give some thought to previous ideas and events from December 2016. Your mode of transport may be interrupted, and problems with your vehicle, phone, and internet. Perhaps you forgot to call family and friends over the celebration period, or are waiting for late mail to arrive. Mercury reverses into Sagittarius, your 2nd house of personal earnings, on January 4th, so revise your budget, check your expenditure and pay those dreaded bills. Mercury turns direct on the 8th in Sagittarius, then moves forward into your 3rd house on January 12th although the Cosmic Messenger will be in a shadow phase, allowing a catch-up with things that have been left in abeyance. After January 28th you will resume your busy schedule and day-to-day tasks.
Mighty Mars, your life-ruler, remains in charming Pisces, your 5th house of romance, emphasising your sexual and passionate nature in love affairs. It’s a good time to put your creative projects into action, to take up a recreational sport, or go to the gym. Children may be creating a problem, so keep an eye on them. However, avoid speculations during this phase given the likelihood of money concerns from January 17th to the 21st.
Most of the year sees Jupiter in your twelfth house of secrets and sorrows, so the benefits you accrue or the gains you make up to October 12th may be hidden, or at least not obvious to others. Resist wallowing in self-pity, or using guilt as a weapon to get others to do what you want. Develop inner strength and power through expanding your psychic energy, intuitive ability, and by overcoming your hidden fears and worry. If you need help, it is likely to arrive just in time to save the day, and may come from hidden or unexpected sources. October 10th marks the beginning of a phase of good fortune as Jupiter enters your sign. This energy will raise your awareness, bring greater self-confidence and begin a yearlong phase of opportunities, hope for the future and brighter prospects. Your view of the world at large may change, as you focus on justice, and metaphysical or religious insights. It gives you a chance to know yourself better, fulfil your personal needs, and attract relationships.
This year Venus will turn retrograde in fiery Aries, your 6th house of work and health, then stepping back into Pisces, your 5th house of romance, children and speculation. A planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. It’s a cosmic illusion, as planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, thanks to the interaction of the planetary orbits. It’s a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards.
Sensual Venus turns retrograde only once every eighteen months, with the phase lasting about six weeks. The love Goddess turns this year in conjunction with the Fixed Star Alderamin, marking the right shoulder of Cepheus, the King. It’s a fortunate star ruled by Saturn and Jupiter, grave and stern in judgement, awakening severe trials, celebrated in poetry and drama. By the Kabalists this constellation is associated with the Hebrew letter Shin and the 22nd Tarot Trump, “The Fool”.
At 9:10 UT on Saturday, March 4th, 2017, Venus reaches her retrograde station at 13° Aries 6′, in preparation for a period of retrograde motion that will last until April 15th, 2017, when she reaches her direct station at 26° Pisces 54′. At this time she halts in the sign of the Fish and begins her return to direct motion through the zodiac. On April 28th, she re-enters Aries, but remains in a shadow phase until May 19th, 2017.
The first part of the Venus retrograde phase occurs in your 6th house. From March 4th to April 2nd, the influence of the Goddess affects Aries, your 6th house of work and health. This phase will mark a time when you will take a laid-back approach to work, your relationship with colleagues, and your approach to your job. There’ll be a tendency to be self-indulgent when it comes to sweet and fatty foods, and reluctant to reach compromises and make adjustments to your surroundings. You will need to deal with unfinished creative projects, your role as mediator and being of service. Emotions could get in the way of your ability to complete routine tasks. You may have to make peace offerings due to earlier problems and arguments, thanks to Mars stirring up a hornet’s nest from February 21st to March 1st. Beauty therapy, health, pets, public relations, or an involvement with a co-worker or past work relationship are also in the frame.
The second part of the Venus retrograde phase will be in Pisces from April 3rd to April 27th, affecting your 5th house of romance, children and speculation. Your love relationships could do with extra effort and loving care in patching up differences. Be ready! A love attraction from the past could reconnect with you. Be prepared to tone down your desires and pursuit of pleasure, but attend to your creative and artistic outlets, and any unfinished business. From April 6th to the 25th, Venus and stern Saturn will form a stressful square aspect, which will cause restrictions in fun activities, money and speculations. Things may appear worse than they really are, as you reassess your relationships and your emotions.
The Moon’s nodal axis, also known as the Dragon’s Head and Tail, is particularly potent just before changing signs. The Moon’s Nodes travel in a retrograde mode, and the Mean North Node will be moving from Virgo into Leo your 10th house of career and ambitions on April the 29th, with the True Node following suit on May 9th. The effects of this transition will be felt most strongly in the first degree of Virgo, your 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes. Remember, its movement is backwards through the zodiac.
Karmic lessons can be learnt and valued in reviewing your life path and direction. With this placement, too much may depend on the demands of family members and on the home front, building up resentment which may make you feel pegged down. This can prevent you from claiming your individuality versus past-life ignorance of appreciating what has been given to you within the family. At times an imbalance in responsibilities by either spouse, or a dysfunction in the family unit will emerge. However, a feeling of obligation keeps you hemmed in by childish behaviour in the process. It will be important to achieve a role where your dignity can be recognised through the experience of career life. You might be placed in a position where others rely on you for shelter in one form or another. Once the needs of family members are understood, you will be able to experience greater freedom in taking a career path and assuming the dominant position in the family.
The Sea God Neptune remains in your 5th house of romance, giving you inspiration, hopes about your future, vision and ability to use your artistic imagination. At times, you will wear your rose-tinted glasses and hazy thoughts when it comes to romantic reality. With courageous Mars in your 5th house of romance at the start of the year till January 27th, you’ll express your passionate and sexual energies in your love relationships. Eligible Scorpions will attract love through your personal magnetism, while those attached will add spark to existing relationships. Watch that your demands do not become excessive, making you overly possessive and controlling.
The Goddess Venus dances into your 5th house from January 3rd to February 2nd. This marks a delightful time in love relationships, socialising, and having a great time through entertainment and fun activities. You’ll be in a light-hearted, charming mood, with the potential for meeting the love of your life. Existing relationships will do well, enjoying the pleasure and love seeking side of your nature. Even if you are not dating someone, explore avenues of what makes you happy.
February 26th brings a Solar Eclipse in your 5th house. Be more vocal about sharing your feelings for that certain someone, because it will have a bearing on a new direction for your love relationships.
Venus retrogrades into your 5th house on April 3rd for a short stay, but there’s still enough time to think about love commitments, people from the past and reviving existing relationships, particularly if you have not been sure or satisfied with the love in your life. By April 27th, you will have patched up differences and moved on.
Meanwhile, action-orientated Mars treks through your 7th house of significant commitments from March 10th to April 20th. This will be a time to co-operate and find a compromise, sorting out difficulties rather than using the energy of Mars in an aggressive fashion.
Mercury speeds into your 7th house from March 31st, but retrogrades on April 9th, slowing down discussions on agreements and commitments. Mercury will re-enter Taurus on May 16th to pick up revised thoughts and plans. After May 21st you will have a clearer mind in making important decisions and settling differences, thanks to Mars raising the dust on ego issues.
The Sun will also beam into your 7th house from April 19th to May 20th. There’ll be four weeks to pour harmony and love into making your relationship work. Some may begin a new love commitment, start a live-in situation, or get engaged. It’s good for partnerships all round, even settling law matters with open enemies. Added to this there is a New Moon in Taurus on April 26th, which will set you on a new path with relationships and partnerships.
From June 6th to July 4th, loving Venus will tango into your 7th house, just to add the final touches to your love commitments. Existing relationships will benefit too, while singles may find a new love interest on the horizon.
November 4th sees a Full Moon in Taurus, when you will be able to fulfil your emotional needs and those of your partner. If you have worked steadily into bonding your relationships it will pay off now, although some Scorps will have to make adjustments at the Full Moon in your sign on November 18th.
This year will see major changes to your career path, professional life and calling. February 11th sees a Lunar Eclipse in creative Leo, your 10th house, bringing a turning point to long-range plans, ambitions, and your efforts over the last six months towards attaining recognition in your field. This will be brought to your attention once more with two New Moons in Leo, the first being on July 23rd followed by a Solar Eclipse on August 21st.
Mercury enters Leo from July 6th to July 25th, only to go retrograde in Virgo on August 13th and create brief hiccups re-entering Leo from August 31st to September 9th. This is then followed by Mars from July 20th to September 4th, giving you motivation and enthusiasm to work hard and reach your ambitions. At the same time you could be challenged by authority types and those who may feel threatened by your gusto and urge for winning at all costs to get that promotion. Take consideration of others during this time.
The spotlight will be on you as the Sun enters Leo, your 10th house from July 22nd to August 21st. Added to this is Venus in the Lion’s Lair from August 26th to September 20th. This will be a great time to boost your public image, with success in your career and business. You’ll find yourself in the social limelight and winning popularity.
Stern Saturn remains in fiery Sagittarius, your 2nd house of personal earnings, values and possessions. Your personal earning capacity may be restricted in some way while you meet your financial obligations. This will give you a chance to review your budget, and reassess your value system, though not necessarily have the best of everything by making do with what you have. You will learn to be frugal, cutting back on items that are non-essentials, and being responsible with your expenditure.
At the start of the year, Mercury will be retrograde, slipping back into your 2nd house from January 4th to January 11th. This will allow you to take control of expenses, sort through your priorities and manage your money more efficiently.
June 9th brings the Full Moon to Sagittarius, emphasising your personal finances, so pay closer attention to your debts, budget and financial obligations.
On November 5th Mercury will be back in the picture, entering your 2nd house but unfortunately retrograding on December 3rd, when you will backtrack over discussions put in place during November. With the Sun entering your 2nd house from November 22nd to December 21st, you will take a serious approach in handling money matters, especially from December 1st to the 8th. Thankfully Venus makes her way in to bring about money resolutions from December 1st to December 24th, when dosh will be easier to come by, but so will your ability to spend money on gifts and luxury items.
With so much happening in December, you will welcome a new direction with the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18th. As Saturn moves out of your area of personal finances on December 21st, you’ll find your financial restrictions lifting.
From January 19th to February 17th, your home and family take the focus as the Sun enters social Aquarius and energizes your 4th house of domestic conditions and new beginnings. This will be an important time to build on family relationships, smarten up your home, renovate, or make changes to your garden. Attend to repairs, maintenance, insurance, real estate, rental and property issues. It’s a great time to have family get-together and invite your closest over for a meal.
January 28th sees a New Moon in your 4th house. There’ll be plenty of activity in the household, with talks on agreements, property and upcoming changes. This Moon will also trigger your need for emotional security. The influence of childhood years have a bearing on who you are today. Maybe you’ve been too busy to devote as much time as you’d like to your nearest and dearest recently, in which case this is the time to make amends.
February 7th to the 24th sees versatile Mercury speeding into your 4th house. If you’ve been thinking about moving house, you might finally decide to do something concrete about it by talking to professionals if need be. If so, then you will consider formal contracts. It’s a good time to catch up with relatives by giving them a call and inviting them over.
August 8th brings a Lunar Eclipse, which may be the fortunate break you have been looking for. It will bring a conclusion to pending matters on the home front, settlements and sales. If you have been busy behind the scenes at home, then this may be the final decider for a move, or completion of a real estate agreement. You will need to consider the family’s emotional and security needs, and memories of growing up in the current household.
Rebellious Uranus remains in energetic Aries, your 6th house of work and health, all year. You will undergo changes in your work role, your health, habits and routine. Your attitude towards work may alter with new innovative methods involving research, science, new-age medicine or an out-of-the-ordinary job that you hadn’t considered.
Fearless Mars steams into your 6th house from January 28th to March 10th, stimulating considerable energy to complete tasks. Your actions may be impulsive, hasty and relentless in completing your work. Frustrations could end up in temper tantrums giving rise to conflicts with work colleagues or your boss, who will find it hard to keep up with your methodology. This is also the time to be mindful of accidental injuries, especially if you are working around machinery. Health issues may involve headaches, fevers, burns, cuts, abrasions and surgical operations.
The Goddess makes her way to your 6th house on February 3rd, but then retrogrades on March 4th, when your pace at work is likely to slow down, and your interests divert to the social side of work and play. Venus re-enters Aries on April 28th, when you will aim to attain job satisfaction, resuming the artistic elements of your job role, and taking care of health matters up to June 5th.
Mercury also heads into your 6th house from March 13th to March 30th, but due to Mercury going retrograde will reverse into Aries again from April 20th to May 16th. If anything can go wrong, it will happen during this time, from miscommunication with bosses or co-workers, to break-downs with photocopiers, phones and computers.
The Sun then beams into Aries from March 20th to April 18th, giving further attention to your efficiency in the workplace, organising and being of service to others. It’s also the time to take care of your health by following through with your dentist and doctor for a check-up.
October 5th brings a Full Moon in Aries, beaming its light on your well being, diet and hygiene. Work negotiations, discussions and mediations may not go according to plan, due to emotions getting in the way of rational judgements. There may be issues behind the scenes to deal with, doubts about working conditions, or anxiety about your workload, all playing a part in upsetting your nervous system.
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