Sagittarius Eclipses 2017

Eclipses can instigate a major turning point in your life, and are best not to be ignored. They have a long-lasting period of 6 months and have a much stronger effect than a regular lunation. Depending on your natal chart, the effects of course can vary due to planetary degrees and aspects. Here are the major eclipses for 2017:

A Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 11th will influence your 9th house of the higher mind. This Lunar Eclipse will focus on your cultural activities and higher knowledge, expanding your experiences and adventures through travel. Your circle of friends, love attractions and relationships could undergo changes (or break-ups) while you chase your dream for more freedom to do the things you want to do. Take advantage of opportunities to take up advanced studies, or interests in law, politics, professional sports, publications, and teaching. You may conclude a study. You’ll be inclined to have interests in deeper topics of metaphysics, philosophy, religion, and ancient history. Your creative expression will be greater, either through writing or expressing your feelings. It’s a good time to write poetry, and increase your inspiration for artistic work. You’ll want to be with interesting people, and have fun. You may even start a new love relationship as your sexual energy will be high, thanks to Venus and Mars in your 5th house of romance.

A New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th will be in your 4th house of home and family. This Solar Eclipse will revolve around events from September 2016. It will bring significant changes to your home front, family, career, and ambitions. Some Archers may take a new direction with friendships and love relationships, while others could face a separation due to fiery disagreements that will bring about changes. It’s also the time for growth, getting out of a rut and finding interesting things to do. Your main focus will be on the home front, whether changing residence, or dealing with real estate, property and rental accommodation. There may be family agreements, an elderly parent or other family member to consider. New ideas and strategies will unfold, so be prepared to make adjustments to your hopes and dreams.

A Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th occurs in your 3rd house of communication. This Lunar Eclipse will stimulate expressing your emotions, getting in touch with friends, locally and abroad. Your higher ideals and beliefs are likely to be challenged, as it will be difficult for you to contain that high spirited urge to argue over other people’s viewpoints. You’ll have interest in travel, advanced study, taking up a new language, or involving yourself with a child’s education. With Mars in your 9th house, it would be wise to take safety precautions while travelling overseas, especially in areas of conflict. You will find yourself interacting with local activities, different levels of telecommunications, short trips or errands, and busier day-to-day tasks. Mercury will be due to go retrograde on August 13th, which may interrupt travel plans in the short term.

A New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st affects your 9th house of the higher mind. This Solar Eclipse will bring the compulsion to work hard at achieving your desires for travel, expanding your knowledge, and opening up your belief system. However, Mercury begins a retrograde phase, re-entering your 9th house on August 31st, when you will go back to fine tune your plans for adventure, study and travel. Friends may be influential in helping you attain personal growth, and will have a bearing on your value system. This will be a good time to work towards your hopes and goals for the future. Opportunities will be on the horizon to explore your vocational interests, study, justice, writing, publications and the law. You will develop your spirituality, delving into metaphysics, theology, mystical values, theology and cultural diversity.

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