Libra 2019 Horoscope – Wish you all a Very Happy New Year
Libra 2019 Horoscope – It seems this year might be better for the sign Libra in comparison to their previous year. The transition of Shani will prove to be lucky for Libras. It will transit from birth to third house this year. As for Guru, it’ll remain in second house from birth till November 5th, which will be felicitous, though after that it’ll move to the third house which might not be as fortunate. Until March, Rahu and Ketu will move from birth to tenth and fourth house respectively. Starting from March 23rd they’ll move to ninth and third house respectively, which can generally be proven as providential.
From the point of view of health, this year will be more satisfactory compared to last year. Health related concerns will remain favourable. If suffering from some previous illness, you’ll finally get some relief. Heart and chest ailing patients needs to be careful till March. From November, abdominal patients must become cautious.
Financially, this year should be fruitful for you guys. Your stars this year indicate there might be an increment to your income. Receiving money from outstanding loans will improve your economic status. Money invested in the past will be beneficial. You might want to start working in the business of property, buildings, vehicles, etc. Sudden profit is also possible.
This year is more desirable for job category in comparison to previous year. You might just get a promotion if you’ve the required experience and talent, so this year you’ll get your wish of promotion. Recruitment in significant posts is possible. Reconciliation with high officials will remain excellent.
For business class people, this year should be overall productive. There will be chances for success in business. There will be an increase in turn over and profits will also soar. You’ll be relieved to get your pending loan. There is also a possibility that you’ll invest money in business.
Family and social related matters should be auspicious this year. For single Libras, marriage could be in your cards. For those who wish to have a child might get the blessing from God this year. You’re likely to organize Mangal work in your house. Socially, there would be an increase in respect and recognition. There would be sincerity in religious and social activities.
For students, this year should be constructive and worthwhile. This year could also be called a year of opportunities and accomplishments. While on one hand there will be a better presentation in your class, on the other hand there is a likelihood of greater scores in your exams. Exam results should also be more desirable. Teachers will guide and support you. The time is exceptional for contests too. There’s a chance of job for unemployed, so try as much as possible.
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