Libra Eclipses 2017

Eclipses can instigate a major turning point in your life, and are best not to be ignored. They have a long-lasting period of 6th months and have a much stronger effect than a regular lunation. Depending on your natal chart, the effects of course can vary due to planetary degrees and aspects. Here are the major eclipses for 2017.

A Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 11th will influence your 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes. It will emphasize sentimental feelings towards friends, love relationships and partnerships. With sensual Venus and passionate Mars floating through your 7th house of relationships and Mercury in your 5th house of romance, there’s bound to be sweet words and plenty of amorous moments. Some Librans could make a commitment, which may take plenty of friends by surprise. Express your individuality, not only with the people you mix with but also in your relationships. You’ll have a sense of release, which can bring you happiness. Others will feel the urge to break free of restrictions and relationships that hold you back. You’ll want to accomplish your future goals, and work towards your dreams with the assistance of friends, loved ones, groups, associations and organisations.

A New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th will be in your 6th house of work and health. This significant Solar Eclipse will revolve around events from September 2016. It’s a harbinger of major changes and covers a six month phase. Your emotions could get in the way of rationality, with not only your job on your mind but also business partnerships, relationships, and those that you work with. This won’t be the time to be headstrong, big note yourself, make hasty decisions or change jobs. Now that could be forced on you. Unexpected incidents could be life-changing and take on an altered course with your work, health, diet and routine. You may experience arguments and dramas from February 25th to March 3rd. Let the dust settle and review your situation when you are in a better frame of mind.

A Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th occurs in your 5th house of romance, creativity and speculations. This is a strong partial Lunar Eclipse exciting your intensity in love relationships, romantic adventures and love attractions. There’s the potential for emotional dramas with friends, associates and groups. Be considerate of the feelings of other people, as you are likely to be rather gung ho. Your actions may speak louder than your words, something which you may regret later. Mercury will go retrograde on August 13th, so your good intentions could be misconstrued. You may find yourself involved in sporting activities, going to the gym, and some form of recreational activities. Time spent with children will play an important part, whether your own offspring or those of other people, although this could also cause a point of conflict in love relationships.

A New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st affects your 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes. This Solar Eclipse will influence the direction you take for personal growth, working hard towards your future ambitions with the assistance of friends, and those that can help you along your path to reach your desires. With Mercury retrograde and about to re-enter your 11th house on August 31st, you will be able to repair and talk through areas that have caused you concern. It will be to your advantage to rectify difficulties in old friendships and love relationships by being reasonable and understanding. Consider the influence friends have had on your values, ideals and aspirations.

That’s it for our Annual Forecast for 2017, dear Scales. Don’t forget to follow up by reading our regular monthly and weekly forecasts for more detailed analysis. For a personal forecast tailored just for your individual needs, visit our order page and select Monthly Personal Predictions or a personal Annual Forecast and Transit Report. Have great year in 2017!

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