Leo 2019 Horoscope – Wish you all a Very Happy New Year.
This year the LEO sign holders it will be better period as compared to the last year. The Saturn will remain in the 5th house from the Leo sign which will not be benefic but the Rahu being in its favorable position the bad effect of Saturn will be reduced. Rahu will shift to the sign Gemini in the month of March will be further beneficial. As far as the planet Jupiter is concerned it will remain in the fourth house from the birth sign till 4th November and thereafter it will shift on 5th November from Scorpio to Sagittarius. This migration of Jupiter to Sagittarius will help in reducing the effect of Saturn further
From the health point of view this year should prove better compared to the last year. All the problems pertaining to health will be reduced & overcome which were created by all malefic planets last year. Mentally also you will find healthy & cheerful and after 5th Nov the situation will further improve.
On the financial front this year will be favorable as compared to the last year. This may tempt you to invest in share business but it is further advised not to invite risk because of the Saturn’s position in the horoscope. Therefore risk free investment will be beneficial and thereby the chances of enhancement of income. You must refrain from lending money to others. Apart from this in view of the favorable time try to start new work/project.
For service class people it will be better as compared to the last year. Better understanding with higher officials & the management, this year will be better. Your work will be appreciated & admired & may be awarded. You are likely to appointed on better & important post assigning to handle the challenging task which will enhance your reputation in the office, but the colleagues may not cooperate as expected of.
For the business class the year is not that favorable but it will be better than the last year. The volume of recovery of old dues from the market will be reduced. Keep control on the unexpected expenditures, will get relief from the Governmental cases. Refrain from risky investment.
Leo 2019 Horoscope – Social and Family life
The politicians will have the favorable year to prove achievements in their arena. On familiar & social front this year should prove better & favorable. Good news & results will be seen as compared to the last year. It will be good time for the eligible candidates for the marriages. Those who deserve the child, the due precautions should be taken during pregnancy. Over all there will be favorable time for social recognition but there will always be an element of doubt of un-success & insult.
Leo 2019 Horoscope – This year would be comparatively better than the last for students.
For the students the year will be better as compared to the last year. Students deserving to take the admission in science or technological fields will achieve their wish in their expected college / institutions. Their results will be better in competitive examinations.
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