Gemini Eclipses 2017

Eclipses can instigate a major turning point in your life, and are best not to be ignored. They have a long-lasting period of 6th months and have a much stronger effect than a regular lunation. Depending on your natal chart, the effects of course can vary, due to planetary degrees and aspects. Here are the major eclipses for 2017:

A Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 11th will influence your 3rd house of communication. This Lunar Eclipse will trigger a fiery grand trine with Uranus and Saturn, and with Jupiter invigorating your mental thoughts with an urge for knowledge, you might decide to travel, take up a study, be involved with neighbourhood organisations, and spend more time with helping with a child’s education. Some may decide to travel overseas, or learn a new language, taking an interest in law, politics and foreign affairs. Emotions are high at this time; circumstances could bring challenges, but with it a chance to broaden your mind. Unexpected opportunities are likely to present themselves through creative fields, writing, and the arts. It’s a fortunate time for Gemini, with luck on your side with speculations, romantic attractions, friendships and groups.

A New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th occurs in your 10th house of career and ambitions. This Solar Eclipse will have a powerful effect on your life over a period of some six months. It will springboard events that occurred last year in September, and steps that were taken with your long-term plans, career, goals, and happenings with your business or profession. You may have experienced confusion in making decisions, thanks to the Sea God Neptune in your 10th house. It’s important not to deceive yourself, or be deceived by those in your profession.

A Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th occurs in your 9th house of the higher mind. This is the last Lunar Eclipse of the year and is fairly significant, bringing a culmination of energy in gaining knowledge, interests in higher principles, ideals and spiritual beliefs. Emotions may be overwhelming, particularly with thoughts of travel, far-away places, people and different cultures. It may be the time to reconsider educational needs and finalise some courses. Law, politics, publishing, marketing and scientific research are also in the frame. Open your mind, Gem, and expand your boundaries through venturing into philosophy, metaphysics, and religious differences.

A New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st affects your 3rd house of communication. Just prior to this Solar Eclipse, you’ll want to voice your opinion on topics and project your energy within relationships, friendships and creative endeavours. You’ll be feeling rather restless, ready for more excitement in your life and at the point of assuming a different role within groups. This desire for change will continue for some time, together with your ideas in formulating your goals and dreams for the future. Changes are possible in your network of friends, travel, mobility and day-to-day tasks. Avoid being impulsive, critical of others, and not paying enough attention to details, thanks to fiery Mars in your 3rd house. Meanwhile, Mercury remains retrograde, creating delays in your attempts to finalise matters on the domestic front and in real estate agreements. Try to be constructive with your thoughts, and be cautious while travelling.

That’s it for our Annual Forecast for 2017, dear Twins. Don’t forget to follow up by reading our regular monthly and weekly forecasts for more detailed analysis. For a personal forecast tailored just for your individual needs, visit our order page and select Monthly Personal Predictions or a personal Annual Forecast and Transit Report. Have great year in 2017!

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