Aquarius 2017 Moon Sign Horoscope

For Aquarians this year should be a lot better in comparison to the last year. Starting 26th January, 2017 Saturn will become auspicious for you. Saturn is currently place in your eleventh house. The reversing Saturn’s movement to Scorpion horoscope between 21st June to 26th October 2017 will transition it to the tenth house. But post this period it will again move back to the eleventh house. Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of your horoscope till September 2017 but post this period it will move to the ninth house. There will be changes in the placements of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu which is presently in the seventh house will move to the eighth house starting September 2017 which is auspicious for you.Therefore this period is auspicious for you.

From health perspective this should be a good year for you compared to the last. The later months will be more favorable for you compared to the initial months. You will be in good health. You will get relief from old health issues as well.

From financial perspective this should be a better result bearing year for you. Possibility of increase in income. There are chances of payments of old loans. There are chances of you getting through with some finances which is stuck because of some problems since long. Your past investments will bring in the desired profits you will have more of such profits in later months as compared to the initial months of the year.

For people in job this should be a favorable year for you compared to the last year. You will have better performance at work. You will get the support of your seniors and peers. You will be confident because of meeting your targets on time. If you have been waiting for a promotion there are chances of getting promotions as well this year.

For people in business this year, you will have favorable time compared to the last year. There are chances of planning for business expansion and also getting the desired funds for investment. You may face some problems related to loans etc. The latter half of the year will be better than the first half for you.

This shall be a favorable year for you in terms of family and socializing. Things will become really favorable in the latter half. People wanting to get married will get married this year. Those wishing for a child will be blessed with one.

This should be a favorable year for Students compared to the last year. Towards the beginning of this year you may face problems of lack of concentration and obstacles at academics during the first half of the year but will become better towards the latter half if you put in all the hard work. There are chances of you doing well in competitive exams as well.

Remedies for Getting Relief
1. You should wear Emerald, blue sapphire and Diamond or there alternatives.

2. You should wear the eight, nine and ten faced Rudraksh.

3. You should recite ‘Om bribrihaspateynamah’, ‘Om Ra rahweynamah’ and ‘Om KemKetweynamah’ as much as possible.

4. You should recite the Maha Mritunjay mantra.

5. You should pray to Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga.

6. You should visit the temple every day and offer water on the shiva-linga.

7. You should fast on Thursday and should have salt less food.

8. You should feed the ants and pigeons.

Auspicious List for Aquarius

Auspicious Planets: Mercury, Venus and Saturn.

Auspicious Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius.

Auspicious Colors: Black, Blue, Green Cream and Yellow.

Auspicious Days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Auspicious Numbers: 5, 6 and 8.

Auspicious Gems: Blue sapphire, Diamond and Emerald.

Auspicious Rudraksh: Four faced, Six faced and Seven faced.

Auspicious Gods: Vishnu, Ganesh, and Bhairav.

Auspicious Fasts: Saturday, and Eighth tithi.

Dates to Remember – 2017

January: 1 9 10 17 18 19 27 28.

February: 5 6 14 15 23 24 25.

March: 4 5 13 14 23 24 31.

April: 1 2 9 10 11 19 20 21 28 29.

May: 6 7 8 16 17 18 25 26.

June: 3 4 13 14 22 23 30.

July: 1 10 11 19 20 27 28 29.

August: 6 7 8 15 16 24 25.

September: 3 4 12 13 20 21 30.

October: 1 9 10 17 18 19 27 28 29.

November: 5 6 14 15 24 25.

December: 3 4 11 12 21 22 30 31.

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