Wearing Conflicting Gemstones Can Do Harm

Conflicting Gemstones – Gemstones are nature’s ‘Power Capsules’ and radiate energy. Since planets govern gemstones it can be harmful to wear two or more gemstones together whose planetary lords are not friendly or neutral towards each other.

Conflicting Gemstones

There are nine main gemstones called navratans and each of these is governed by one of the nine planets as given in the following Table:












Topaz or Yellow Sapphire




Blue Sapphire




Cat’s eye

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Based upon their intrinsic energy the nine planets of Vedic astrology have three types of relations with each other. In addition to being friendly or inimical towards some other planets each planet is also neutral towards one or more other planets.

Based upon the planetary mutual relationships wearing of their gemstones along with some other gems are not recommended as described below:

The Sun: The Sun is friendly towards Moon, Mars and Jupiter while inimical towards Venus and Saturn whereas it stays neutral towards Mercury.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards the Sun wearing a Ruby along with any of Blue Sapphire,Diamond, Hessonite,and Cat’s eye is not recommended.

The Moon: The Moon is friendly towards Sun and Mercury while inimical towards Rahu whereas it stays neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towardsthe Moon wearing a Pearl along with any of Diamond, Blue Sapphire,Emerald, Hessonite, Cat’s eye is not recommended.

Mars: Mars is friendly towards Sun, Moon and Jupiter while inimical towards Mercury whereas it stays neutral towards Venus and Saturn.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Mars wearing a Coral along with Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Hessonite is not recommended.

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Mercury: Mercury is friendly towards Sun and Venus whereas inimical towards Moon but it stays neutral towards Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Mercury wearing an Emerald along with Pearl, Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Cat’s eye is not recommended.

Jupiter: Jupiter is friendly towards Sun, Moon and Mars whereas it is inimical towards Mercury and Venus while it stays neutral towards Saturn.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Jupiter wearing a Topaz along with Diamond, Emerald and Hessonite is not recommended.

Venus: Venus is friendly towards Mercury and Saturn whereas it is inimical towards Sun and Moon while it stays neutral towards Mars and Jupiter.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Venus wearing a diamond along with Ruby, Pearl, Yellow sapphire and Cat’s eye is not recommended.

Saturn: Saturn is friendly towards Mercury and Venus whereas it is inimical towards Sun, Moon and Mars while it stays neutral towards Jupiter.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Saturn wearing a blue Sapphire along with Ruby, Pearl, Coral and Cat’s eye is not recommended.

Rahu: Rahu is friendly towards Mercury, Venus and Saturn whereas it is inimical towards Sun, Moon and Jupiter while it stays neutral towards Mars.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Rahuwearing a Hessonite along with Ruby, Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Pearl and Cat’s eye is not recommended.

Ketu: Ketu is friendly towards Mars and Jupiter whereas it is inimical towards Sun, Moon and Mercury while it stays neutral towards Venus and Saturn.

Therefore also considering relationship of other planets towards Ketu wearing a Cat’s eye along with Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Diamond, Blue Sapphire and Hessonite is not recommended.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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