Vastu for Building Mahurat Recommendation

Complete Vastu recommendation for Building Mahurat

Vastu for Building Mahurat – After the land has been selected the owner should consult a learned astrologer to find out and auspicious time (muhurat) to start the construction of the house which would bring him health, wealth, prosperity and good fortune. A learned astrologer should be consulted because by doing so the construction work will go on smoothly, there will be no hindrances or problems, work will be completed soon successfully. Often it has been observed that if the work is started without caring for the auspicious moment, the work has to be stopped in between due to financial difficulties or other problems and is left incomplete. Not only financial loss, it brings loss of mental peace also. Therefore house construction work must be started after full consideration for the work to be successful and fruitful.

Vastu for Building Mahurat

Generally construction of house, temple, palaces (Raj Bhawan), city etc. should not be stared or first entry (grah-pravesh) should not be accomplished during the period Ashadh Shukla to Kartik Shikla , when gods are asleep (Dev Shayan).

Vastu for Building Mahurat suggestions below

Muhurat (auspicious times) for construction of house or starting the work have been given in the Panchangs. Astrologers have expressed their own different views about starting the construction work.

According to Vasturaj Vallabh, Leo constellation (singhasth), Vyatipat, Vaidhriti, Dagdhtithi, Guru 9Jupiter), Shukra (Venus) when set, weak moon, Rikta tithi (4/9/14) are not auspicious for starting house construction work or any other good and auspicious work. Some scholars are of the opinion that if Jupiter or Venus are set (Tara) it doesn’t matter.

Give below are the sun Sankranties during which if construction work Mahurat is started it gives varied results:

1. Sun in the Aries (Mesh) Rashi 14 April to 13 May-very good.

2. Sun in the Taurus (Vrish) Rashi 14 May to 13 June-increase in wealth.

3. Sun is in Gemini (Mithun) Rashi 14 June to 13 July-Death.

4. Sun is in Cancer (Kark) Rashi 14 July to 13 August-very good.

5. Sun is in Leo (Singh) Rashi 14 August to 13 September – increase in number of servants.

6. Sun is in Virgo (Kanya) Rashi 14 September to 13 October -Diseases.

7. Sun is in Libra (Tula) Rashi 14 October to 13 November – Happiness/comforts.

8. Sun is in Scorpio (Vrishchik) Rashi 14 November to 13 December – Increase in Wealth.

9. Sun is in Saggitarius (Dhanu) Rashi 14 Dec. to 13 January-loss.

10. Sun is in Capricorn (Makar) Rashi 14 Jan. to 13 February-gain of wealth.

11. Sun is in Aquarius (Kumbh) Rashi 14 Feb. to 13 March-gain of Jewels.

12. Sun is in Pisces (Meen) Rashi 14 March to 13 April-Fear.

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Therefore the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th i.e., Mithun (Gemini), Vigro (Kanya), Saggitarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meen) Rashies are not suitable and auspicious for starting house construction, and the work should not be started during the period sun is in these Mahurat Rashis.

Among the months, Baisaakh, Shravan, Margshirsh Magh and Falgun are good for the work. Bhadrapad and Kartik are also normally permissible.

Construction work should be started on the dates (tithis) 2,3,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,15 and the 1st of Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight).

Prohibited date – Starting the construction work on the dates 1,4,8,9,14 and 30 (Amavas) brings Poverty, loss of wealth, loss of money, death of wife, fear from the rulers. Therefore work should not be started on these dates.

Constellations – The Nakshatras Rohini, Mrigshira, Chitra, Hast, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarashdah, Uttar Bhadrapad, Uttar Falguni, Dhanshtha, Shatbhisha, Revati are good for starting the house construction work.

Lagna – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces Lagna, when it is not Panchban and it is not the period of Bhoomi Shayan, and there is some beneficial planet in the centre and triangle positions, and the eighth house is beneficial when there are cruel planets in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses; such periods are good for auspicious starting of the construction work.

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Bhoomi Shayan – On the days of constellations 5/7/9/12/19/26 from the constellation in which sun is situated the earth is ‘sleeping’ (Bhoomi Shayan) and on these days also during the 4/8/5/3//6/7 Ghati it is so; in remaining Ghatis it is not Bhoomi Shayan.

Days – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are good days to start construction work. On Sunday or Tuesday starting the work should be avoided.

For starting the house construction work, Vrish-vasta calculation should be done. If the constellation of the day counted from that of the sun comes upto 7, it is inauspicious, next 11 it is god and next 10 are again inauspicious. Abhijeet should also be included in counting.

7 In auspicious (unlucky) 11 Auspicious (Lucky) 10 In auspicious (Unlucky) 28 constellations Result of the count from constellation of the sun to that of the Moon.

Vishisht Yoga (Special combinations) have also been described for the start of house construction. The combination of seven Sakar (starting with ‘S’ Viz. Saturday, Swati nakshatra, Singh (Leo) Lagna Shukla Paksha (Moonlit fortnight), Seventh tithi, Shubh yoga and Shravan month, is very good for starting the work of a house. It will fetch to the owner growth of all wealth and fortune along with the gain of conveyance, wealth and prosperity, sons and grandsons etc.

House construction is not allowed in singh (Leo) Lagna, it should not be started in this Lagna alone, but if the above combination is there with Singh Lagna starting of the work is auspicious. House construction started in Shukla Paksha brings happiness, while that in Krishna Paksha it brings loss. Therefore it is better to start the construction work after well consideration of the Shukla or Krishna Paksha.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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