Use Colours to Balance Your Mind and Body

Nature is freely providing abundance of varied energy through different colours. The article guides how colours can balance your ruffled mind and body.


You must have noticed that when you are mentally disturbed you do not like too bright lights or colours. At such times cool soothing shades such as green, blue, grey give peace and tranquillity and promise to regain your lost balance.

Here is a guide to select colours around you during different states of your mind and feelings:

Red Colour: Surround yourself with this colour if you feel tired or depleted of your physical energy and wish to get energised then red colour due to its warm, assuring and energising nature will prove an energy booster.

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Orange Colour: Whenever you feel out of sort and depressed due to any reason and desire to have positive and creative energy the surround yourself with Orange colour. Orange colour will help you come out of depression and stay free of anxiety.

Yellow Colour: Surround yourself with Yellow colour in order to clear up your mind of any confusion or disturbing factors. Also this colour helps relieve troubles due to indigestion, allergies and lack of nervous strength. This colour is good for students in order to boost their concentration powers.
Green Colour: Whenever you are diseased or get hurt due to irrational actions or behaviour of friends or lover then it is best to surround yourself with cool and soothing green colour. This colour has healing properties and will rejuvenate you.

Blue Colour: Surround yourself with blue colour whenever you feel hurt due to lack of communications and nothing seems in place. Relax a while in blue surroundings to cut off from the material world and be in the realms beyond the physical world.

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Pink Colour: Whenever you lack love and affection in your life and feel misunderstood by others then remain in Pink colour surroundings in order to fill your heart with divine love, care and tender feelings.

Violet Colour: If you surround yourself in Violet colour every day for some time then you develop healing powers and will be able to improve and utilize powers of imagination. All obstacles in life will diminish with regular practice.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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