Understanding Concepts of Vedic Astrology-3

*Good and Bad Periods for Career & Prosperity*


Time is cyclic in nature with favourable and unfavourable periods for each person. Here are some good and bad periods which may apply, but these are only general and may get modified in actual birth charts.

The nature of time is cyclic and in Vedic Astrology planetary periods start right from the time of birth and throughout the life span of native, periods of good as well as bad times is experienced. Here in this article we shall describe some general periods which are indicative of good or bad results pertaining to one’s career and overall prosperity.

Good Times

If in a birth chart the lords of the 9th and 10th houses are conjunct in the 11th house of gains then during periods of the planets governing these houses career rise and prosperity can be expected.

If in a Birth Chart any planet associated with a square as well as a trine house has links with the ascendant or its lord and the 10th house and its lord then during periods of the planets governing these houses career rise and prosperity can be expected.

If in a birth chart the 10th lord occupies the 9th house and ascendant lord, 2nd lord and 11th lord are together in the 10th house then during periods of the planets governing these houses career rise and prosperity can be expected.

If in the Dashamasha chart planets belonging to 10th house and ascendant are in square or trine houses then during periods of the planets governing these houses career rise and prosperity can be expected.

During the periods of the planets associated with the 10th house and its lord of the Dashamasha chart, one can expect career rise and prosperity.

If in a birth chart there is a sign exchange between the 9th and 10th houses then during the periods of the planets governing these houses career rise and prosperity can be expected.

Bad Times

If in a birth chart Saturn falls in an inimical sign in the 10th house and the lord of the 8th house is placed in the 9th house then during the periods of the planets governing these houses instability in career and lack of prosperity can be expected.

If in a birth chart the 6th lord is with a malefic planet and the 10th lord is placed in the 8th house then during the periods of the planets governing these houses instability in career and lack of prosperity can be expected.

If the planets governing the 6th and 8th houses are placed in the 10th house under aspect of Saturn then during the periods of the planets governing these houses instability in career and lack of prosperity can be expected.

If in the Dashamasha chart the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses are associated with the 10th house significators of the birth chart then during the periods of the planets governing these houses instability in career and lack of prosperity can be expected.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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