Free Tarot Card Reading

Now its time to relax and enjoy your free tarot card reading

Take a moment to focus on the question you would like to ask of the cards – the more effectively you can focus on the issue at hand and clear other thoughts from your mind, the more helpful the reading will be.

The tarot reflects the present moment, but can refer to past issues or experiences as well as help show us possibilities for the future

Tarot also provides a bridge between our conscious mind and our intuitive self, helping us dispel clouds of confusion and fear and create the clarity of mind we seek

Quiet your mind and focus on your question

When you’re ready, click on six of the cards below let each card turn over before you click on the next
Select 6 Cards below


(After clicking Get Result, page will refresh, please scroll down and you will see results below)

You have Selected Following six Cards - Tarot Card Reading Result

echo "Tarot Card Interpretation of your cards


echo "

Core of the Issue
Underlying Influences
External Forces
Emotional State
Potential Action
Overall Outcome





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