Sun Moving Into Leo on 16 August 2016


Sun ( Su ) In First House With Leo

In the first house, Sun is situated in Leo within its own house. Its impact effects and enhances the physical strength, will power, courage and affluence of the native. The native would have a good height. The malefic effect of Sun looks in Aquarius sign of Saturn within the seventh house, hence there will be dissatisfaction with the wife. Meeting daily expenses would become challenging. There will be problems in the professional and personal matters.

Sun ( Su ) In First House With Leo

In the first house, Sun is situated in Leo within its own house. Its impact effects and enhances the physical strength, will power, courage and affluence of the native. The native would have a good height. The malefic effect of Sun looks in Aquarius sign of Saturn within the seventh house, hence there will be dissatisfaction with the wife. Meeting daily expenses would become challenging. There will be problems in the professional and personal matters.

Sun ( Su ) In Twelfth House With Leo

In the twelfth house, Sun is situated in Cancer sign of its friendly planet Moon. Its impact will make the native body weak and he would be fond of travelling. Expenses would be high and external relations would be beneficial. The malefic aspect of Sun is looking at the sixth house from here hence the native would be able to win over his enemies but after dealing with lots of problems.

Sun ( Su ) In Eleventh House With Leo

In the eleventh house, Sun is situated in Gemini sign of Mercury. It gives a long life to the native. Physical strength would enhance. The beneficial aspect of Sun looks at the fifth house of Jupiter, into Sagittarius hence the native would be blessed with children, intelligence and education in his life.

Sun ( Su ) In Tenth House With Leo

In tenth house, Sun is situated in Taurus sign of its enemy planet Venus. Its impact keeps sour relations with father and fetches prestige from state related affairs. The native shall make continuous efforts for his progress. The beneficial aspect of Sun is looking in the fourth house at the sign of Scorpio hence the native would be blessed with a house and property and also get his mother’s affection. Overall, the native would be rich, prestigious, and blessed with happiness and comfort.

Sun ( Su ) In Ninth House With Leo

In the ninth house, high echelon Sun is situated in Aries sign of its friendly planet Mars. Its impact gets the native some support from his fate. The malefic effect of Sun is looking in the third house at Libra sign of its enemy planet Venus hence siblings would bring disappointments.

Sun ( Su ) In Eighth House With Leo

In the eighth house, Sun is situated in Pieces sign of its friendly planet Jupiter. Its impact the age and the physique of the native, he would be able to gain good health and long life with much efforts. Obstacles would make it more difficult. He would get support from external places. The beneficial aspect of Sun looks in sign of Virgo within second house of Mercury, hence the native would make stringent efforts for money enhancement and get the pleasure of being with his fraternity. The native would be rich and aggressive.

Sun ( Su ) In Seventh House With Leo

In the seventh house, Sun is situated in Aquarius sign of its enemy planet Saturn. Due to its impact the native would not have a congenial relations with his wife and would get success in business only after rigorous hard work. The Sun looks in Leo sign within its own house hence the native would be very strenuous physically. Self-respect and repute would enhance.

Sun ( Su ) In Fifth House With Leo

In the fifth house, Sun is in Sagittarius sign of its friendly planet Jupiter. Its impact will bestow the native with education and intelligence. The beneficial aspect of Sun is looking at Gemini in Mercury housed within eleventh house hence the native would be able to male profit with his intelligence. There will be many ways of earning. The native would be intelligent, wise, learned and egoistic.


Sun ( Su ) In Fourth House With Leo

In the fourth house, Sun is situated in Scorpio sign within its friendly planet Mars. Its impact gives joy of property and land along with mother’s affection. The native would be healthy and stay happy. The Sun looks at the Taurus sign of Venus within the tenth house hence there will be differences with the father. The native would get success in his profession and other state related affairs.

Sun ( Su ) In Third House With Leo

In the third house, Sun is situated in Libra sign within its enemy planet Venus. Its impact brings abatement in courage and company of siblings within native’s life. The Sun, in this position, looks at Aries sign of Mars in ninth house, hence the fortune would enhance and the native would have faith in religious work.

Sun ( Su ) In Second House With Leo

In the second house, Sun is situated in Virgo sign of its friendly planet Mercury. Its impact will bring enhancement in finances and the pleasure of being within the fraternity but because it can develop the feeling of obligation hence the native may experience the feeling of dependence also. The beneficial aspect of Sun is looking in Pieces sign of Jupiter in the eighth house hence the native would get much success and prestige within the society.

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