

1. Lie flat on the back, feet comfortably apart, arms and hands extended about 6” away from the body, palms facing upwards with half-folded fingers.

2. Close your eyes and gently relax your feet, keeping them completely still. Then relax your knees, chest and the arms. Keep both your hands still to achieve a relaxed position. Concentrate next on the head. Move it gently to the side, let it rest and keep it free of all thoughts.

3. Then concentrate the mind on rhythmic breathing. Breathing should be as slow and as effortless as possible. Thus, all parts of the body are loosened to create a state of complete relaxation, which should be maintained for 10 to 15 minutes.

Benefits & Precautions:

Shavasana helps to bring down high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) and gives immense relief to the mind (any individual who has been restricted from doing other asanas due to high blood pressure can perform this asana). It also helps ease tension and stress for those involved in physical activities. This asana should be performed after completing the daily round of yogic asanas. Shavasana done during fasting soothes the nervous system. Every one should attempt this asana.

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