Saturn Played a Dual Role in ‘Ghazal King’ Jagjit Singh’s Life

The ‘Ghazal King’ Jagjit Singh’s 74th Birth Anniversary falls on 8th February 2015. This article reveals the dual role played by Saturn in his life..


The famous Ghazal singer, songwriter and musician Jagjit Singh was born as Jagmohan Singh in a Sikh family on 8th February 1941 in Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan, India).

Role of Saturn in making Ghazal King Successful and Famous as a Singer

Jagjit singh’s golden period of success and fame started in 1976 with the release of his Album ‘Unforgettable’. He was running the main period of Saturn at that time and this period lasted till 1992.

In his horoscope Saturn is the ascendant lord and it falls in the nakshatra (constellation) of Ketu. Astrological significators for the art of singing are Venus, Mercury, Moon and the 2nd house of the birth chart.

In his chart both Venus and Mercury are depositors of Saturn (placed in the signs of Saturn). His 2nd house cusp falls in the nakshatra of Saturn. The 10th house (house of profession) cusp also falls in the nakshatra of Saturn and Moon is the depositor of Mars which in turn is the lord of the 10th house of profession.

So all the significators of a singer are well related and Saturn is the key planet which took him to the heights of success and popularity. During the period between 1972 and 1990 Saturn predominantly gave favourable results due to its lordship of the 1st house.

Role of Saturn in Tragedies of his Life

In July 1990 during the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Saturn his son died in a road accident.


Ghazal King died on 10th October 2011 in Mumbai during the sub-period of Mars in the main period of Ketu. Mars falls in the nakshatra (constellation) of Mercury which is placed in his ascendant also Mars aspects the 1st house related to brain so Mars and Mercury both connected with his brain gave him death through cerebral Haemorrhage.

Ghazal King son died in 1990, during the main period of the Saturn.

His daughter died in 2009, during the period of Ketu and in his horoscope Ketu falls in the nakshatra of Saturn. Although she was not his real daughter yet her death caused him mental pain because of Saturn.

So it is evident that from 1990 onwards Saturn predominantly gave un-favourable results due to its lordship of the 12th house. Also as per numerology principles his date of birth number 8 is ruled by Saturn.

Thus Saturn played a dual role throughout his life.

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