Ruchaka Yoga is one of the five prominent combinations of Vedic Astrology called Panch Mahapurusha Yogas.
Ruchaka Yoga is formed in a birth chart if the planet Mars occupies its own sign viz. Aries or Scorpio or its sign of exaltation viz. Capricorn in a square (Kendra) house viz. 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th.
Ruchaka Yoga is one of the five prominent Yoga of Vedic Astrology known as PanchMahapurusha Yoga.
In general the presence of this Yoga gives a strong physique, impressionable and dynamic personality, qualities of leadership, governance and ability to rise to an authoritative position in life.
This Yoga is very powerful depending upon the strength and favourability of Mars and other associated planets.
A truly powerful Yoga is rare in real life. This yoga with auspicious strength can occur in the charts of good leaders, kings, generals, commanders or other security and defense personnel.
But Ruchaka Yoga with weak and afflicted planets can give narrow minded and dictatorial tendencies to the native.
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The following birth chart belongs to a well-known dictator.
In this birth chart Mars is under affliction due to conjunction with its enemy Mercury. Conjunction of Mars with retrograde Venus instigated the native to use his power and energy for fulfilment of selfish goals through tyrannical actions. Presence of 11th lord Sun with Mars gave it strength in wish-fulfilment of the native.
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Favourable aspect of Jupiter allowed the native to rule a country for many years.
Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar
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