Remedies for Delay in Marriage


All those boy and girls whose marriage is getting delayed unnecessarily should carefully read this article and follow one or more remedies. Do not lose hope, who knows this Valentine’s Day may prove the luckiest for you.

Even in our country the trend for early marriages is changing fast. Even thirty or so year ago girls were generally married around the age of twenty years or even before. Nowadays it is common to see girls marrying in late twenties. Know Your Marriage Timing With Astrology

Delaying marriage deliberately is one thing, but marriage getting delayed in spite of parents or the girl’s or boy’s efforts needs attention. There could be astrological reasons for such unwanted delays. For exactly pinpointing the reason it is best to get an expert’s advice. [Delay in Marriage – Tulsi Vivah]

Remedies for Delay in Marriage
Most often the delay is caused due to very lofty aspirations (or impractical views) about the type of desired partner. Even such attitude is due to planetary effects. It also happens that the boy or the girl wants to marry someone, but that person is not so eager or is interested only in temporary relations. One needs to exercise common sense and look for another instead of delaying unnecessarily. For all those who belong to this category the following thought by Alexander Graham Bell fits well:

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

However in cases where the delay is caused due to natural forces in spite of all efforts the following remedial tips can prove helpful:

• In case marriage of a girl is getting delayed due to some astrological reasons such as the presence of Mangalik Yoga or Kaalsarpa Yoga one should follow the advice of an expert and in addition to that recite the following Chaupai of Saint Tulsidas 108 times each day till success However in cases where the delay is caused due to natural forces in spite of all efforts the following remedial tips can prove helpful:

• In case marriage of a girl is getting delayed due to some astrological reasons such as the presence of Mangalik Yoga or Kaalsarpa Yoga one should follow the advice of an expert and in addition to that recite the following Chaupai of Saint Tulsidas 108 times each day till success comes:

‘Tab Janakpaivasishthaayesubiyahsaajsamvarikey,

• If in spite of due age and desire of a girl she is not able to realise her dream then here is a remedy which may sound a bit odd but nevertheless it works, so give it a try with full faith. The girl should wear clothes of another girl who is getting married in other words whose marriage is fixed. The girl doing so will soon find a suitable partner. [Will your Love Affair Turn into Marriage?]

• The girl whose marriage is getting delayed should boil eight Chchuare (dried dates) on a Friday night and keep these along with water in which these are boiled beside her bed and on the next morning, after taking her bath, should immerse these in a river. She will soon find a partner.

• For ending delay in marriage get root of banana tree during an auspicious Mahurat (find out from a priest) and energise it by worshipping it, then keep it with you well wrapped in a yellow cloth.

• If a girl’s marriage is getting delayed then she should wear around her neck a Shivlinga made from Amber gemstone. The Shivlinga should be clearly visible to others. She will soon attract a person of her liking. [Role of Mars in Marriage]

• For timely marriage the girl should offer water at a Peepal tree for 43 days and also light a Deepak there (pure ghee lamp). You may not do this on Sundays and during your menstrual periods.

• Boys and girls whose marriage is getting delayed should mix a little turmeric powder in their bath water and after taking the bath should put a tilak (holy spot) on the forehead with saffron.

Marriage – a beautiful Turning Point …

Marriage is a beautiful turning point in life. It gives you opportunities to develop in many ways. It gives you a lifelong partner to share your moments of fun as well as grief, so all those who are single and of marriageable age should look forward to marriage. This eagerness and sincere efforts are the best remedy of all.

To end this article on the same note let me quote here from the 1989 movie-‘When Harry Met Sally’:

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody,
You want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

Article by : JyotirvidPawan Kumar

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