Probable Physical Features of your Spouse

In a birth chart there are 12 houses and each signifies certain aspect of one’s life. The 7th house is related to one’s spouse and marriage.


In case more than one planet occupies the 7th house then effect of the strongest planet will dominate whereas the other planets will add their colour to some extent.

In case in a birth chart there are no planets placed in the 7th house then consider as per the planet governing the constellation of the 7th house cusp.


Complexion: Wheat colour.

Approximate Height: Average.

Body Type: Lean.

General Characteristics: Enterprising, independent and progressive with good value sunder negative influences can be narrow minded, self-centered, hardliner and domineering.


Complexion: Fair.

Approximate Height: Tall.

Body Type: Tendency for gaining fat.

General Characteristics: Caring, sensitive and emotional nature but under negative influence can be moody and weak minded.


Complexion: Wheat colour or pinkish.

Approximate Height: Below Average.

Body Type: Lean.

General Characteristics: Bold, courageous, energetic and self-starter type.
Under negative influences can be short tempered, aggressive, impulsive and impolite.


Complexion: Darkish.

Approximate Height: Average.

Body Type: Tendency for gaining fat.

General Characteristics: Intelligent, virtuous, young looking and attractive
Under negative influences can be interfering, wandering, adamant and full of doubt.


Complexion: Fair.

Approximate Height: Average.

Body Type: Tendency for gaining fat.

General Characteristics: Caring, optimistic, extrovert, virtuous, righteous, religious minded and traditional. Under negative influence the spouse can be pessimistic, introvert, sorrowful and narrow minded.


Complexion: Fair.

Approximate Height: Below Average.

Body Type: Tendency for gaining fat.

General Characteristics: Artistic, virtuous, with aura of royalty, rich, attractive, romantic and possessing a magnetic personality. Under negative influence the spouse may be indulgent, spendthrift and unlawful.


Complexion: Darkish
Approximate Height: Tall
Body Type: Lean

General Characteristics: Hard working, careful, introvert, self-centred and insensitive. Under negative influences may be cruel, hard liner, lethargic, Slow in taking action and Confused.


Complexion: Darkish.

Approximate Height: Tall.

Body Type: Lean.

General Characteristics: Learned and having a logical and rational mind. Under negative influences can be too sexy with tendency for extra marital affairs.


Complexion: Wheat colour.

Approximate Height: Below Average.

Body Type: Lean.

General Characteristics: Interested in music and poetry and mysteries of nature. Under negative influences can be greedy and self-centred.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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