Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius – 4th January 2022

General introduction

The placement of planet Venus with Sun in Sagittarius on 4th January 2022 will bring many changes in the life of people having 12 moon signs. We can see that when Venus is placed with Sun in any sign till 10 degrees or even less then it is considered to be in setting position. In such condition the radiance of Sun is so much due to which planet Venus loses its shine and then it is not able to be seen by anybody in the sky. In the science of astrology this position of Venus with the Sun is known as to be in a setting position.

Impact on Aries – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Aries, is ruled by planet Mars and is made of fire element. Planet Venus is the lord of 2nd and 7th house for people of this moon sign. During this time Venus is placed with planet Sun in the 9th house of their birth chart. As a result during this period you may get some adverse results and might face problems concerned with your pride. During this time you will not get support from your destiny and luck. As a result the people of this moon sign will have to face many obstacles concerned with reaching their goals.

Result: Arrange a sacrifice in honor or Venus on Friday.

Impact on Taurus – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Taurus, is made of earth element and it is ruled by planet Venus. Besides this Venus is the lord of 6th house in your birth chart and it will be placed with Sun in the 8th house. As a result during this time you will get benefits in the form of any ancestral property, shares, debentures and money. As concerned with your career during this time you will have to face many problems due to troubles in relations with your seniors and bosses at your office. You will feel troubled due to not getting their help and support.

Remedies: Recite the mantra of planet Venus Om Shukraya Namah: for 24 days daily.

Impact on Gemini – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The lord of Gemini, moon sign is planet Mercury and this sign is made of air element. Besides this Venus and Mercury are friends and here Venus is the lord of 5th and 12th house. Here Venus is placed with Sun in the 7th house of Gemini moon sign. In such conditions due to the affect of Venus you will get a chance of getting appreciation from your bosses and other office people. This is because you will get a big appreciation due to your good performance in job. You will get encouragement and other benefits during this time. Many job doing people might go on a journey concerned with their work.

Remedies: Feed old Brahmins on Thursdays and take their blessings.

Impact on Cancer – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Cancer, is made of water element. It is ruled by planet Moon. For people of Cancer sign Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th house. Now it will be placed in Sagittarius with Sun in the 6th house that is concerned with debts, diseases and competition. In such conditions this time might prove to be troublesome for job doing people. This is because you have to face many adverse conditions related to your bosses and seniors. They might not be pleased due to the lack of needed quality in your work. As a result you might feel disappointed in matters concerned with job promotion and salary increment.

Remedies: Feed eatables to crows on Saturday.

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Impact on Leo – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

Planet Sun is the lord of Leo, moon sign and this sign is made of fire element. For the persons of Leo sign Venus is the lord of 3rd house related to brothers and sisters and 10th house that denotes career. Here and now Venus will be with Sun in Sagittarius in the 5th house. In such conditions you will have a chance of getting tensed due to increase in your children and your progress. From career point of view you have to take some unwanted some journey or transfer. Due to this reason you might have to face obstructions to reach your goals. This is also a time during which you might not get fame and encouragement even after doing hard work.

Remedies: Recite the Durga Chalisa regularly.

Impact on Virgo – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Virgo, is made of earth element along with planet Mercury as its lord. On the same hand Venus is the lord of 2nd and 9th house in this moon sign. It will be placed with Sun in the sign of Sagittarius in the 4th house that is concerned with family pleasures and property. Due to this reason you will have a chance to get good results in your all efforts. Besides this Venus will also give you a chance to make new friends and get attached to them. From career point of view you will give a very good performance at your work place. With this your hard work will get much encouragement.

Remedies: Recite the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu daily.

Impact on Libra – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Libra, is made of air element with Venus as its lord. Besides this planet Venus is the lord of 8th house and is placed with Sun in Sagittarius sign in the 3rd house of your birth chart. As a result you will not get good desired fruits easily. This is because during this time you will have to place opposition from your friends. From career point of view you might have to face more pressure if you are in any job. This pressure will become the cause of worry for you. Many persons will plan to go to abroad on account of changing their job.

Remedies: Go to the temple of Goddess Durga and worship her on Tuesday and Friday.

Impact on Scorpio – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Scorpio, is made of water element and is ruled by planet Mars. Besides this planet Venus is the lord of 12th and 7th house of your sign. Now it is placed with Sun in Sagittarius sign in the 2nd house of your birth chart. Due to this reasons you will get adverse results and you might feel lack of happiness. From career point of view you will not be able to complete your work tasks at your office. This will become the biggest cause of your worry. You will also have trouble in making good relations with your seniors and bosses. In addition to this you will also have much work pressure.

Remedies: To get the beneficial results of planet Venus recite the Saundarya Lahiri.

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Impact on Sagittarius – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Sagittarius, is made of fire element with planet Jupiter as its lord. Here and now the placement of planet Venus with Sun in this sign will be very important for you. This is because Venus rules the 6th and 11th house of your birth chart. Now during this time Venus will be placed with Sun in your own sign in the 1st house. As a result you will have to face health problems like allergy and cough and cold. If we talk about career you will have much pressure at your work place. You might also spoil your relations with seniors and bosses. As a result in spite of your hard work and good performance you will not be able to get respect at your work place.

Remedies: Go to a nearby Shiva temple daily and offer milk there.

Impact on Capricorn – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Capricorn, is made of earth element and planet Saturn is its lord. For people of this moon sign planet Venus rules 5th and 10th house. Now it is placed with the Sun in Sagittarius sign in the 12th house. Due to the placement Venus in 12th house you might have to face hurdles and delays in your efforts to get success. Besides this there is a chance that you might not get happiness in your life during this time period. As far as when we talk about your career then you will not get the needed encouragement from your bosses for the hard work that you have done.
Remedies: Donate rice and curd for 6 Fridays to women.

Impact on Aquarius – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Aquarius, is made of air element and planet Saturn is its lord. The planet Venus rules the 4th and 9th house of the birth chart of the persons of this moon sign. During this time Venus is placed with Sun in Sagittarius sign in the 11th house. In such conditions the placement of Venus in the 11th house will bring success and happiness in your life. This time will be very lucky for you and it will also be in your favor. In career many job doing people will get new opportunities to make progress. As a result they will experience happiness.

Remedies: Worship Goddess Laxmi daily and light a lamp of ghee in front of her.

Impact on Pisces – Placement of Venus with Sun in Sagittarius

The moon sign of Pisces, is made of water element and Jupiter is its lord. For the people of this moon sign planet Venus is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses. Now it is placed with Sun in Sagittarius in the 10th house. In such conditions the placement of Venus in the 10th house might give troubles in completing your all tasks. Due to this there might be disappointment in your life. As far as career is concerned job doing people might face more work pressure. Besides this their seniors and bosses might increase their troubles. This will be that time during which you will not get the needed encouragement and recognition to your hard work. Due to this you will be seen to be very much unhappy.

Remedies: Worship Goddess Durga and Goddess Laxmi daily.

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