

1. This posture involves stretching of the posterior muscles of the body.

2. While sitting, stretch your legs forward and keep them close to each other. Bend a little forward, make hooks of your fingers and hold the big toes on the respective sides.

3. While exhaling, bend forward stretching the trunk along the thighs. Rest your on the knees, which should be kept straight. 4.Gradually, the tense muscles can be made supple for securing the complete posture. Inhale and return to the original position

Benefits & Precautions:

Aged persons and those with stiff spines should do it slowly and steadily in the beginning. All jerky movements should be avoided & be overcome with patience and perseverance. However, persons suffering from slipped disc, hernia, lumbar spondylysis and cardiac problems, and those who have undergone abdominal surgery, should not perform this asana. Paschimottanasana is a fine stretching exercise of the body. In one continuous movement, almost all the posterior muscles get fully stretched and relaxed. This helps to improve the functions of the abdominal organs and sets right respiratory disorders. It also helps to improve memory.

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