January 2025

Sagittarius Monthly Moon Sign Horoscope

Most Accurate free Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope based on Moon Sign. Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope provides insight into your complete Month. Truthstar Monthly Horoscope on Sagittarius written by our Experts.

January 2017

The first week of this month will be full of enthusiasm and confidence for you. You will have new resolutions for this New Year and will lay down plans to ensure that you act on them. You will be able to achieve the whole task with the help of your new found confidence and enthusiasm. You will also take a lead on matters related to your jobs etc. which will not only help you to achieve your targets but will also get you the reward and recognition.

Second week should also be equally favorable like the last week. You may face some minor problems towards the end of this week but you don’t have to worry as these problems would be temporary in nature. This week as well you will be full of energy and enthusiasm. Luck will favour you and you would be filled with optimism. It is because of this that you will be able to achieve the targets that you have set for yourself.

Third week is a favorable period for you. This is a stable time for financial matters related to your earnings and livelihood. You may some tensions because of some controversies in the extended family. You need to be careful while talking to others. You will be high on confidence this week as well and the impact of this will be clearly visible on your work and business. You will get good results during this week. You will have more expenses to take care off during this period.

Last week shall also be equally favorable for you. You could feel tired, lethargic and also drained out and unwell during the beginning of this week. Some sudden problems and obstacles can bother you a little. You will be able to overcome all this challenges and problems largely, with the help of your intelligence. You should stay away from breaking laws, rules and norms.

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