“Modi Shinzo Handshake”

Modi Shinzo Handshake

Highly Pragmatic Approach of Two Progressive Nations,Two positive heads of progressive and peace loving nation’s viz. India and Japan shake hands for mutual benefits. It should be taken as a very thoughtful and timely action of Narendra Modi.

Modi Shinzo

No one’s past is ever cent-per-cent clean. Narendra Modi also had a controversial past as the chief minister of Gujrat. Only God knows the truth about past events, but as the prime minister of India he seems to be the best so far.

Narendra Modi’s attention to discipline, dedication and pragmatic approach to some burning issues is highly appreciable. All Indians who love their country must salute to this iron man whom God has sent to let India shine as a bright star among other nations.

Modi-Shinzo Handshake

Narendra Modi:

He was born on 17th September 1950
His birth date number is=1+7=8
His Name Number is=5+1+2+5+5+4+2+1+4+7+4+1=41=5

So Narendra Modi needs to strengthen his number 5 instead of his birth date number 8, this will give him more success.

Shinzo Abe:

He was born on 21st September 1954
His birth date number is=2+1=3
His Name Number is=3+5+1+5+7+7+1+2+5=36=3+6=9

Both his numbers are positive and give him strength of character and right action.

Compatibility between Modi and Shinzo

Modi’s and Shinzo’s birth date numbers are 8 and 3 respectively and these numbers have only 25% compatibility.

Modi’s and Shinzo’s name numbers are 5 and 9 respectively and these numbers have 75% compatibility.

Shinzo with both very positive numbers viz. 3 and 9 is a righteous, practical and progressive person.

Modi’s plus point is his name number 5, but his birth date number 8 is not desirable. So unless Narendra Modi strengthens his number 5 and controls the negative traits of number 8 he may again become center of controversies.

It is the power of positive number 5 that he is business minded, friendly and extrovert, but under the influence of the negative number 8 he may not gather enough strength and support to remove innumerable obstacles and delays which may discourage foreign investors.

From Modi’s visible determination at present it seems likely that he will by his right decisions and actions boost his number 5 traits and weaken those of number 8.

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