What is Lal Kitab? (Red Book)

What is Lal Kitab? (Red Book)

Lal Kitab is a mystery in itself. It is written in ancient Urdu without the element of punctuation and sounds Greek to a layman. Poetical verses interpolated with philosophy and hidden nuances of destiny form the core ‘farmaans’ of the book. The authorship is unknown.

Lal kitab

Lal-Kitab was originally from Persia, published in urdu language without the element of punctuation and sounds. Lal-Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.

It is said that the solutions & remedies given by Lal Kitab are infallible. Some of them may look pretty weird especially in these modern times, but that is the way our religion is, inexplicable, occult yet overawing just by sheer magnitude of its diversity. That it has rightly been termed as” The Wonder Book” of Astrology. The science of palmistry too has been explained in such an exquisite manner that each of the 42 divisions of the human brain have been related to the different houses of a man’s birth chart in such a scientific manner that the sketch of the human brain reflects accurately on the lines of the palm.

Basic of Lal Kitab

On the basis of these lines of the palm one can draw the actual horoscope of an individual and can do the placement of planets in various houses of the birth chart. The date of birth and the birth ascendant can be found out by reading the lines and mounts of the palm, which means that an individual’s accurate birth chart can be drawn by seeing the lines of his palm. Similarly, by studying the different aspects of a man’s residential house his birth chart can be accurately prepared on the basis of the sutras explained in the Lal Kitab.
In addition to the above, Lal Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. These measures do not require the practice of ordeals, yagnas, havans and other complicated and expensive rituals, which prove more troublesome for persons who are already in trouble because of the evil effects of certain planets. These measures are again different from Yantras, Mantras and Tantras, which give various adverse effects if not followed rigorously in all their minute details.

The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.

The first part of this great treatise contains the principles and Sutras for interpretation of horoscope, termed as


The birth chart of an individual is prepared like the traditional Parashar principles, but the only important difference is that the Rashis are not considered or taken into account for predictive astrology and, therefore, the digits indicating the Rashis in a traditional birth chart are scrapped.

Secondly, for predictive purposes the ascendant is treated as the first house and it is regarded as the house of the first Rashi, i.e., Aries and counting progressively in a sequence up to the 12th house being that of Pisces.

Origin of Lal Kitab

Red Book is an ancient book, its origin and author is not known. Astrology based on Red Book is different from other known branches of Astrology. Very little has been done to put the theory of red book astrology among the people. Other branches of astrology generally suggest very few remedial measures which are complicated and expensive, whereas in Red Book Remedial Measures suggested House wise for every Planet, which are unique and help a person to get rid of evil effects of Planetary position in the most easiest and effective manner.

Our deep study and research thereon has enabled us to say that the theory and system suggested in Red Book are reliable and effective. We have tried to establish the relevance of Red Book in this modern era.

Today quite a number of Astrologers have combined their astrology with Red Book. They give predictions according to their own theories and suggests remedial measures of Red Book which is not the correct way. Good or Bad planet suggested by the other astrological theories may differ from the theory of Red Book Astrology because it has different system of judging good or bad planets, so the remedial measures suggested will not give desired results or may be ineffective. Our deep study of Red Book reveals that whatever massages written in the Red Book are not properly interpreted.

Many astrologers have quoted that the messages given in the Red Book are written in a hay way manner and also are irrelevant, but nobody has tried to solve the mystic messages of Red Book and arrange these messages systematically. Mystic messages given in the Red Book do have specific meanings, which cannot be understood without deep study.

Lal Kitab needs no formal introduction. It is popular amongst neophytes and masters of astrology equally. The enamoured of the remedial measures of Lal Kitab and the astrologers who suggest them take pride in them. The measures are too simple to be explained in detail and too typical to be understood by an intelligent human being. Whatever be the facts they are quite effective and cannot be just given up for their simplicity. Rather they bring credit to him who suggests them.

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