Interesting Facts about Single-Digit Numbers

There are nine single digit numbers from 1 to 9 and apart from their numerological characteristics some interesting facts reveal their significance in the creation of God.


The nine single digit numbers viz. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 are the basic numbers and carry great importance in the science of Numerology. All numerological calculations resulting in multi-digit numbers are reduced to single digit number by repetitive addition of digits.

Each of these nine numbers is governed by a planet. This article describes some interesting facts about these single numbers.

The Number One (1)

The ultimate supreme God is one. The un-manifested causative force (Supreme God) is beyond duality.

One conveys individuality, independence, beginning, initiation and it is the primal energy that instigates all actions and leads the way in diverse directions.

Number 1 is governed by the Sun which is essential for life on Earth.

The Number Two (2)

The number two, which means the duality principle, comes into force as the world is created. There are two aspects negative and positive, male and female, Yin and Yang etc. There is good force and at the same time there is bad or evil force. One cannot exist without the other.

Number 2 is governed by the Moon and under negative influences makes one double minded and confused between good and bad.

The Number Three (3)

We are living in a three-dimensional world and everything has three dimensions viz. Length, Breadth and Height.

There is Trinity in Divinity, the Divine force which creates is called Brahma and it represents the Rajas Guna or quality of nature which gives drive to create and progress. Then there is the divine force which preserves the creation and is called Vishnu and that represents the Satvic Guna or the quality of nature with spiritually positive and progressive attributes.

Lastly the Tamsic Guna or quality which is responsible for dissolution and change is under Mahesh or Shiva.

The Number Four (4)

There are four periods of the macro time and these are called Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kaliyug.

There are four magnetic directions viz. North, South, East and West.

The number four is governed by Rahu as per Indian system and Uranus as per western system.

The Number Five (5)

In this three dimensional word everything is created out of the five elements viz. Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Aakasha. The first four elements are of physical nature whereas the fifth one is of subtle and non-physical nature.

The number five is governed by Mercury.

The Number Six (6)

For deep study and understanding of the esoteric knowledge contained in the four Vedas of Hindus, there are six essential limbs called Vedaangs and Astrology is of these. Knowledge of Astrology helps in assimilating knowledge of life on earth.

The number six is under Venus.

The Number Seven (7)

On the spinal column in human beings there are seven spiritual centres of power and these are also called Chakras; Muladhaar, Swadhishthaan, Manipur, Anahat, Vishudha and Sahasrara.

Ketu as per Indian system and Neptune as per western system govern this number.

The Number Eight (8)

The Raja Yoga or the Yoga system with Royal Path to reach God is called Ashtaang Yoga and has eight limbs;Yama, Niyama, Asan, Pranayaam, Pratyahaar, Dharna, Dhyana, Samadhi. Saturn governs the number eight.

Ketu as per Indian system and Neptune as per western system govern this number.

The Number Eight (8)

The Raja Yoga or the Yoga system with Royal Path to reach God is called Ashtaang Yoga and has eight limbs;Yama, Niyama, Asan, Pranayaam, Pratyahaar, Dharna, Dhyana, Samadhi. Saturn governs the number eight.

The Number Nine (9)

The number 9 is considered a sacred number. Planet Mars governs the number nine.

If any number is multiplied by nine the resulting digits always add to the single digit number nine.

Example: 1×9=9, 2 x 9= 18 (1+8=9), 3 x 9= 27 (2+7=9), 4 x 9= 36 (3+6=9), 5×9=45 (4+5=9) and so on. For this quality of nine the Hebrews referred to it as the symbol of unchangeable Truth.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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