Indications of Span of Life by Astrology

Span of Life by Astrology

Span of Life – Vedic astrology assumes total or full life span of a person of one hundred years. This is divided into three categories

Span of Life

(1) Alp Aayu (Short life span) up to 32 years from birth.

(2) Madhayam Aayu (Medium life Span) up to 65 years from birth.

(3) Pooran Aayu (Full Life Span) up to 100 years.

Span of Life – Some Indications of Alp Aayu:

* If the ascendant lord is weak and has no association with benefic planets.

* If the ascendant lord is weak and placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house.

* If there is conjunction of the ascendant lord and the 8th lord with malefic planets.

* If the ascendant, 8th lord, 10th lord and Saturn all are weak in overall strength.

* If Saturn is placed in the 8th house, Mars in the 5th house and Ketu in the ascendant.

* If Sun, Moon and Mars are placed in the 7th house and Saturn is in the ascendant.

* If the 8th lord occupies the ascendant along with Ketu.

* If the ascendant lord is conjunct the 8th lord.

Some Indications of Madhyam Aayu:

* If all the benefic planets occupy malefic houses and Saturn is in the ascendant, Moon in the 4th house, Mars in the 7th and Sun in the 10th house.

* If Saturn is placed in the ascendant and Moon in 8th or 12th house.

* If the 3rd or 6th lord is placed in a square house.

* If unfavorable planets are placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 11th houses.

* If in a chart Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are placed in the 2nd, 3rd and 11th houses respectively.

* If Jupiter occupies a square or trine house, the ascendant lord is weak and malefic planets are placed in 6th, 8th and 12th houses.

* If Jupiter is placed in 3rd or 11th house, Venus in 5th or 9th house and both are conjunct or expected by malefic planets.

* If Mars is posited in 8th or 12th house in a fixed sign viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

Span of Life – Some indications of Pooran Aayu:

* If the ascendant lord, 8th lord, 10th lord and Saturn all are strong.

* If Venus occupies a square house, Moon and Jupiter are in the ascendant in cancer sign and the 8th house is vacant.

* If the 8th lord or Saturn is conjunct an exalted planet.

* If Venus and Jupiter are posited in the 9th house, Mercury in the ascendant and Mars in the 7th house.

* If the ascendant lord is in the ascendant and 8th lord in the 8th house.

* If exalted Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Mars.

* If Jupiter is in the 8th house and Moon in the 11th and the ascendant lord is exalted.

* If all the planets including a strong Moon occupy the odd signs viz. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

* If the ascendant lord is conjunct a trine lord.

Article by:Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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