Importance of Brahamsthaan in Vaastu

Importance of Brahamsthaan in Vaastu

Brahamsthaan in Vaastu – In a plot of land the central portion is called as per the Vaastu science a Brahamsthaan. Being very auspicious portion of land it needs to be kept clean and free of clutter.

Importance of Brahamsthaan in Vaastu

In a square shape plot of land as above the central portion as marked by the nine black squares is called the Brahamsthaan. This portion of the plot as per the Vaastu principles is considered auspicious as it is ruled by the finer Aakaashtatva.


The central space in a plot is under the deity Brahma and it should be kept vacant and clean.

Importance and care …

As per a legend the stomach portion of the demon called VaastuPurushais located in this space, as per the general rules of health ones stomach must not be filled with junk so for the health of a plot of land this area must be kept clean.

This view is supported by a shaloka of Brihat Samhita by Acharya Varah Mihir as follows:


The owner of the premises should protect the central space governed by Brahma by keeping it clean and clutter free for the sake of well being of the residents. The owner may suffer if this space is not cared for.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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