How to select a lucky name using KP astrology and astro numerology?

Selecting A Lucky Name Using Astro-Numerology And Kp Astrology Principles

Lucky Name – Though the fate of an individual is predestined according to past karmas of a person, miseries suffered by a person can be reduced to a certain extent by taking recourse to remedial measures, and by resorting to certain techniques to increase one’s quota of good-luck. Sincere prayers, acts of charity, Vedic chants, devotion to Gurujis and sincere wishes from others) are known to reduce karmic burden of an individual. Similarly nameology and numerology provide means to improve one’s good luck, if correct principles are applied. This article is an attempt to throw a light on the efficacy of using Krishnamurthy Paddathi for selecting lucky names that could reduce ill-effects and guarantee good results.

lucky name

Lucky Name – What Is In A Name?

The vibrations produced by a name have an impact on both the individual concerned and on others in touch with that person. Psychological researches have revealed that persons respond unconsciously to the message conveyed by the meaning and vibration of a name. It has been found that persons with inappropriate names tend to suffer from low self-esteem.

Carl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst has said, archetypes (symbolisms that convey a certain idea, like Rama – righteousness, Duryodana – jealousy, etc.) are firmly entrenched in the sub-conscious of all members in a society( These may be culture-specific, i.e, understood only by members who are exposed to a particular culture). So, we should select such a name that will be synchronous with the way in which we would like to the child to develop. For example, if you would like your child to grow up and join the defence forces, the name should radiate and convey a message of bravery; if you wish your child to be in show-biz, it should convey a certain personal warmth and friendliness and so on.

Generally, some people choose the first alphabet of a name based on the moon constellation and quarter (almost all almanacs carry this information). This has no real bearing on the individual’s luck, as this is only a guideline for choosing the name of a person. When names of elders in the family, or the family deity are chosen for the child, the above guideline need not be adhered to. Even otherwise, there are many people who do not adhere to the above guideline.

Some Numerological Principles

Those with a belief in numerology choose a name in such a way that the total numerological value of the name is synchronous with the birth number (the date of birth number, e.g., 13th will reduce to 4, etc.) or the fate number (the total numerological value of the date for e.g. 1-10-2002 will reduce to 6). There are exhaustive numerological rules that govern the auspicious and inauspicious results bestowed by names of different numerological values to persons born on different dates.

Birth Number Lucky name number

1 1
2 2,7
3 3,9
4 1
5 Vibrates well with all numbers.
6 6,9
7 2, 7, 9.
8 5
9 3, 6, 9

The numerological values of different English alphabets are as follows:

A, I, J, Q, Y 1
B, K, R 2
C, G, L, S 3
D, M, T 4
E, H, N, X 5
U,V, W 6
O, Z 7
F, P 8

Add the numerological value of the different alphabets in the name (including initials, and other customarily used titles) to get the total numerological value of the name. The total numerological value of the name should be favourable to the birth number (based on the date of birth). Each number has certain specific qualities (for example 28 and 46 both add to 1, but indicate different personality characteristics).

A Novel Method Of Nameology Combining The Principles Of K.P. Astrology, Chaldean Numerology And Akshara Shashtra

In addition to numerological principles cited above, one could invoke the principles of K.P. astrology in combination with classical astrological works like Chathura Sundari (dealing with the influence of planets on Alphabets) to select a really lucky name for a child or business organization. All of us know the efficacy of reciting the Sahasranaama of various deities. In the same way, a name suitably selected based on this principle (combining the principles of numerology, K.P.Astrology and Akshara Shastra propounded in Chathura Sundari) will work as a mantra and boost the good luck of the individual.

The first Akshara (alphabet/ syllable) of a name is the foundation of a good name. Similarly, the last Akshara (alphabet) of a name gives the final impression. These two are the essence of a name. All alphabets are the body of Goddess Saraswati and are in effect propitious mantras with certain qualities. So, the first and last alphabets of a name should vibrate favourably with the benefic points of an individual’s horoscope. To determine this, we must make use of the sub-lords of the ascendant, moon, Fortuna, 3rd cusp, 5th cusp and the 11th cusp.

Of the four sub-lords mentioned, check which sub-lords are in the constellation of retrograde planets and reject them. The others can be regarded as significators of a lucky name for an individual or organization.

The Alphabets Signified By Various Planets:

Sun: Indicates vowel sounds a, aa, I, ii, u, uu, ru, roo, ai, o, ou.

Moon: Indicates the syllables ya, ra, la, va, ha.

Mars: In odd signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, etc.) ka, ga, nga.
In even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, etc.) kha, gha.

Mercury: In odd signs ‘ ta, da, na.
In even signs ‘ tta, dda.

Jupiter: In odd signs ‘ tha,dha,na.
In even signs ‘ttha, ddha.

Venus: In odd signs ‘ cha,ja, gna.
In even signs ‘ ccha,jha.

Saturn: In odd signs ‘ pa, ba, ma.
In even signs ‘ pha, bha.

Rahu and Ketu take on the significations of the sign lords and also denote sa, swa, sha, wa, la, ksha, kshya.

While selecting names for business organizations, select the alphabets in such a way that they are signified by appropriate signification planets in addition to the above mentioned rule. For example, a courier service company should have alphabets signified by Mercury either as first or last alphabet of the name. An industrial unit should have alphabets signified by Saturn.

The Effects Of The Alphabets Signified By The Various Cuspal Sub-Lords:

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the ascendant sub-lord, the self-confidence of the individual will be high. He will be undaunted in the face of difficulties in life and will have a commanding presence (The person’s appearance will earn him respect from others regardless of his status in life).

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the Moon sub-lord, he will be imaginative and sensitive. He will have sudden flights of fancy. This vibration is excellent for writers and other creative people. The downside of this is that the person will have great difficulty in coming to decisions as he has a two-pronged mind that runs in an often impractical and fanciful manner rather than in a logical manner.

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the sub-lord of the 3rd cusp, the native will enjoy success in public-relation fields. This ensures fast progress in life if the person is involved in transport, news-service, courier service, etc.

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the sub-lord of the 5th cusp or the Fortune, the person will be very lucky in life and will be able to attract goodwill of everyone.

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the sub-lord of the 9th cusp, he will have good success in higher education, will be able to attain success in religious pursuits, and enjoy Divine Grace.

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the sub-lord of the 10th cusp, it can give good success in professional life of an individual. The person concerned will be very duty-conscious and career-oriented in life, and will place Duty or improvement in life above everything else.

If the first alphabet in a name is the one signified by the sub-lord of the 11th cusp, it can give good gains and friendship with a large number of persons.

Care should be taken to avoid the syllables/ alphabets signified by the sub-lords of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses (unless there are other exceptions – like they also signify 5th house, Fortuna or other auspicious points in the horoscope).


Lucky Name – Astro-numerology/ nameology is an expert-domain subject and what I have suggested here is only for your guidance. This is based on my individual and unique research on this subject and the aim of the article is to remove the misconceptions prevalent in nameology throwing a light on what “real nameology” is about….. There are some persons who distort Indian names in the mistaken belief that they are giving negative vibes. Just to cite one example – I came across a client who has changed his name from “Narasimhan” to “Nerasimhan” because his nameologist has said the name “Narasimhan” has “Na” as initial sound; “Na” means “No” in common usage and so it is a negative name! Such absurdities should not be encouraged. When judging Indian names for nameological purposes, you should give importance to the vernacular significances of the name rather than going by combination of English alphabets which might seem to be negative! I am sure this article will be an eye-opener for nameology enthusiasts.

Again, though I have commented on KP Astrology-based approach for nameology, there are other methods also based on more traditional concepts of astrology – like fixing a lucky name that will stabilized the good yogas in the horoscope and neutralize negative potentials of the time of birth. In real-life situations, that is the approach I use in combination with the above mentioned technique. To put things in perspective, I use the techniques on a case-to-case basis to fit the requirements and objectives of the clients, which is what astro-numerology is really about!

Article by: Pandit R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI

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