How To Know About The Lost and Stolen Item

Lost and Stolen Item – If the seventh lord of Prashan kundali is Jupiter, in that case a respectable person like – Guru, Brahmin, Teacher or Officer can be a thief who steals the item with the help of others.

Lost and Stolen Item

To know about the answer of questions like how to get back a stolen or lost item, the system which is used in astrology is known as ‘Prashan Jyotish’. Many epics have described about the Prashan Jyotish. This article has described some such astrological Yogas through which one can know the answer of many questions like who is the thief. Could the stolen item get back?& the time frame?

Parameters of Prashan Jyotish, which help us to know about the stolen items:-

(1) The first step- an astrologer needs to cast a Prashan Chart on the base of the details given by the querent at that time.

(2) Position of Moon should be taken into consideration to decide the stolen or lost item.

(3) Decide whether the lost item could be get on the basis of Fourth house of Prashan kundali

(4) The Seventh house is used to decide about the thief.

(5) The Eighth house is used to decide the how much wealth is stolen by the thief.

(6) The Tenth house is used to decide the source through which the lost items could be getting back?

Know About Methods Used in Stealing:-

(1) If Mars is posited in Seventh house of Prashan Kundli, Physical strength is used in stealing.

(2) If the Seventh lord of Prashan Kundli is posited with Moon or has aspect of Moon, in that case also physical strength is used in stealing.

(3) If Venus and Moon are posited in Seventh house of Prashan kundli or strong Moon is posited with lagna lord, and Seventh lord is also strong, in that case, thief has opened the lock for stealing.

(4) If Lagna lord of Prashan Kundli has association with malefic Planets and it has aspect on Seventh lord, Second lord, Moon and Sun are strong. In that case, loot is done in front of known persons.

Know about the description of Thief and Stolen item:-

(1) If ascendant of Prashan Kundli has moveable sign, or Navmansh has moveable (1,4,7,10) sign, in that case the stolen item is positioned at a very long distance from the house.

(2) If ascendant of Prashan Kundli has immovable sign (2,5,8,11) or Navmansha lagna has immovable sign or it is Vargottam. In that case, the thief is some known person and stolen item is somewhere at a very close distance from the house only.

(3) If ascendant and Navmansha lagna of Prashan Kundali has dual Rashi like (3, 6, 9, 12). In that case, the thief may be some familiar person to querent.

(4) If Prashan Lagna or Moon is aspected by Saturn or Mercury in Seventh house has influence of Saturn, in that case thief is of arrogant nature.

(5) If Saturn is posited in Seventh house of Prashan Kundli and has impact of Jupiter. In that case the thief is a known person.

(6) If Seventh lord is aspected by malefic planet, the thief is a habitual thief, if Seventh lord has aspect of Mars; In that case, the thief is an old history sheeter criminal in Police record.

Know about the description of Thief and Stolen item:-

(7) If Sun is the lord of seventh house of Prashan Kundli or posited in Seventh house, in that case, the thief is either father of querent or some senior person of the family.

(8) If Moon is the lord of Seventh house of Prashan Kundli or Moon is posited in Seventh house, in that case the thief is either mother of querent or a lady who has moles or stains on her face.

(9) If Mars is the lord of Seventh house of Prashan Kundli or Mars is posited in Seventh house. In that case, the thief is brother, friend of querent or some bold person.

(10) If Mercury happens to be the lord of Seventh house of Prashan Kundli or posited in Seventh house, in that case, the thief is either younger brother or some small child of querent.

(11) If Jupiter is the lord of Seventh house of Prashan Kundli or posited in Seventh house, in that case, the thief is either a Pandit, Brahmin, teacher or a respectable person of the society. He takes the help of others in stealing.

(12) If Venus is the lord of Seventh house of Prashan Kundli, or posited in Seventh house, in that case the thief is an educated, fashionable, and attractive good looking young man or a lady.

(13) If the lord of Seventh house in Prashan Kundli is Saturn or Saturn is posited there, in that case, the thief is a servant who is tall, weak and has dark complexion.

(14) If Rahu is posited in Seventh house of Prashan Kundli, the thief is professional.

(15) If Ketu is posited in Seventh House of Prashan Kundli, the thief is professional. The thief is a good planner and it is difficult to trace him.

Know About the place of Stolen item:-

Many a times we tend to forget the place of the kept item or we don’t realize where we have left the item or its fallen place. In this situation, to know about the place of lost item we should study the Fourth house of Prashan Kundli and the Planets posited in it. The karkatwa of rashi which falls in Fourth house helps us to know about the place of lost item:-

(1) If Moon has impact on Fourth house of Prashan Kundli either by position or aspect, the lost item is found near the watery place.

(2) If Mars has impact on Fourth house of Prashan Kundli, The lost item is kept in the kitchen, fire or near the place where machines are kept.

(3) If Venus has impact on Fourth house of Prashan Kundli, the lost item may be found out on the bed or bed room.

(4) If Jupiter is posited in Fourth house or has aspect on Fourth house in Prashan Kundli, in that case, the lost item could be found out in garden or in a temple.

(5) If Mercury has impact on the Fourth house, the lost item could be found out either in classroom or in a vehicle.

Know About the place of Stolen item:-

(6) If Sun has impact on Fourth house of Prashan Kundli, the lost item could be found in the bed room of some senior person of the family or underground outside the house.

(7) If Rahu& Saturn have impact on Fourth house of Prashan Kundli, the lost item could be found out either in some dark or dirty place.

In this way, you can find out the where about of thief or stolen or lost item. Many times innocent person who are near you are doubted and are made thief.

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