How to Decide the Color of Teddy to Gift on Teddy Day

The 10th of February is Teddy Day! A Teddy bear is a symbol of warmth and affection, making it a perfect gift. But choosing the right color can be tricky. Here’s a guide to help you pick the perfect teddy bear color and its meaning.

Teddy Day

Red (Mars)

Red is the color of the planet Mars that represents love and affection. In addition to love and affection, a red teddy represents strength, passion, and desire. It is a powerful color in terms of emotion. It explains the couples’s affection for one another as well as the depth of their emotional connection.

Pink (Venus)

Pink is the color of the planet Venus which represents love and harmony. Giving someone a teddy bear of this color shows them that you embrace their love for you and say "yes" to them!

White (Moon)

White is the color of the Moon that represents peace & emotional healing. By gifting a white teddy, you are telling them that, you are willing to stand with them through thick and thin, which projects intense affection.

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Blue (Saturn)

Blue is the color of the planet Saturn and represents loyalty & long-term commitment. Blue is linked to several qualities, including knowledge, wisdom, honesty, loyalty, and trust. This may be a covert indication of an intense affection for you.

Yellow (Jupiter)

Yellow is the color of the planet Jupiter which represents happiness & prosperity. The yellow teddy bear represents friendliness! This yellow teddy bear represents the strongest friendship between best friends, much like sunflowers do.

Brown (Earth)

Brown is the color of the planet Earth that represents warmth & trust in friendships. Therefore, if someone gifts you this colored teddy bear, the giver has selected you as their lifelong closest friend and trusts you.

teddy day image

Purple (Rahu)

Purple is the color of the Rahu that represents mystery & deep connections. If you have received a purple color teddy then you can expect a blend of uniqueness and artistic admiration.

what color teddy are you gifting? Let astrology help you make the ideal choice!

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