Guru Purnima 2024

When and how is Guru Purnima celebrated, let’s know everything…

In the religious scriptures of Hinduism and Buddhism, the celebration of Guru Purnima is considered not only important but also sacred. In centuries-old cultures, the Guru has been considered the most important part of life and hence the Guru is an integral part of the society and its construction process. In the year 2024, this festival of Guru Purnima will be celebrated on Sunday, July 21, 2024. Let’s know about it…

Guru Purnima Date: Sunday, July 21, 2024
Purnima Tithi Start: 20th July 2024 at 05:59 PM
Purnima Tithi End: July 21, 2024 at 03:46 PM

The following verses from the ancient Vedic scriptures clarify the supreme place given to the teacher or Guru –

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara,
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah

Meaning: O Guru, you are equal to the gods. You are Lord Brahma, you are Lord Vishnu and you are Lord Shiva, you are the God of gods. O Guruvar, you are the supreme being. I bow down to you.

The full moon day of the Shukla Paksha of the lunar month Ashadha is celebrated as Guru Purnima. In the word Guru – Gu means darkness, ignorance and Ru means to remove or remove. So, Guru is the one who removes the darkness of ignorance from our life, makes us knowledgeable and brings positivity in our life and mind.

History and significance of Guru Purnima

It is believed that Guru Veda Vyasa wrote all the 4 Vedas which were read by Lord Brahma and every person in this world is in debt to the work that Saint Vyasa did. He also wrote many Puranas and from that time onwards a day was dedicated to the Gurus and this day is called ‘Guru Purnima’. The word “Purnima” is used because it is a full moon day. It has a deep significance in the past and even in today’s world. Since this day is dedicated to the Gurus, people irrespective of caste etc. offer prayers to their Gurus thanking them for the knowledge they have imparted.

Guru Purnima is the day of Guru-disciple relationship:

Guru Purnima is dedicated to the great teachers and gurus who shape our future. A Guru or teacher is someone who acts like a guide in our life, leading us to the right path for our betterment. Therefore, they are worshipped on the day of Guru Purnima. According to Hindu Vedic evidence, Guru Purnima is celebrated on the birth of Veda Vyasa. Veda Vyasa is known as one of the greatest gurus in Indian philosophy. He is a symbol of the Guru-disciple tradition. It is also believed that he completed the Brahma Sutras on the day of Guru Purnima.

The Guru-Shishya relationship is one of the highlights of Indian culture. In ancient times, children were made to wear a sacred thread (Poonal or Yagyopaveeth or Janeu) and were sent to an ashram/pathshala where they were taught various subjects. The Guru would help them find the right direction in life.

In Sanatan traditions, our parents are considered our first Guru. Parents are the first teachers of our life, and thus Indian culture also considers parents as Guru. In the traditional Guru-Shishya culture, when a disciple completed his education, and left the ashram, he would give something to his Guru as Gurudakshina, only after that he would start a new life in the real world.

Keeping this Guru-disciple tradition in mind, on every Guru Purnima, people gift something to their teachers according to their wish and ability, and take their blessings.

Venerable Saint Kabir Das Ji has also said regarding Guru that –

Guru and Govind both are standing, whose feet should I touch.
I am grateful to my Guru who showed me Govind.

Which means- If Guru and Gobind (God) are standing together then whom should one bow to, Guru or Gobind? In such a situation it is best to bow one’s head at the feet of Guru, due to whose grace one got the good fortune of seeing Gobind.

Saint Kabirdas ji has another famous couplet about Guru-

Kabira, those men are blind, who call the Guru something else,
if Hari is angry then the Guru is there, if Guru is angry then there is no place.

Which means- Kabir Das Ji says that those people are blind and foolish who cannot understand the greatness of the Guru. If God gets angry with you then you have the support of the Guru, but if the Guru gets angry with you then you have no support anywhere in the world.

What to do on Guru Purnima?

On the day of Guru Purnima, meet your Guru and receive his blessings.
According to Vedic scriptures, Sri Adi Shankaracharya is considered Jagatguru (teacher of all). You can worship him on this day.

Guru’s Guru – Guru Dattatreya – should also be worshipped. Apart from this, you can also recite Datta Bavani.
In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is called Guru – teacher or indicator of higher learning and ideals – you can worship Lord Jupiter on this day.