Get Your Questions Answered with Ramacharitmanas Prashnavali

Many times in life, there are situations when we do not understand what to do and what not to do. To overcome this confusion, we have received a valuable key from the divine in the form of Ramacharitmanas Prashnavali.

In Ramacharitamanas Prashnavali, also known as Sri Ramashalaka Prashnavali (राम शलाका प्रश्नावली), the poet-saint Tulsidas’ Chopais (couplets) from “Shri Ram Charit Manas” or “Ramayana” serve as the basis for the answers and provide guidance.


Since the Vedic era, Ramayana Prashnavali has been used to answer problems, get insights about new ventures, clear doubts, and choose the correct course of action.

How does it work:

Every square of the Ramayana Prashnavali grid has one Akshar (Hindi alphabet) from the nine Chopais (couplets) of the Shri Ram Charit Manas.


  • The seeker must choose a grid while keeping their eyes closed. Beginning with the chosen square, the Akshars from each ninth square are taken and united in a sequential manner.
  • As a result, “Shri Ram Charit Manas” becomes one Chopai.
  • This specific Chopai provides the response to the query posed.

How to use the online Ramacharitamanas Prashnavali?

If you are unable to get a physical copy of the Prashnavali, then you can also make use of the online Prashnavali. It is very easy to use the online Prashnavali and is used in exactly the same way as the physical Prashnavali.

First of all, meditate on Lord Shri Ramchandraji with devotion and think about the question on which you wish to get the Lord’s guidance. Then move the cursor to any place within the frame given below and click with closed eyes. In a few moments, according to your click, the solution will be found based on any one of the nine quatrains of the Ram Shalaka grid.

Check Other Prashnavali’s

Things to keep in mind while making use of the Ramacharitamanas Prashnavali:

  • Hanuman Prashnavali only works for people who make use of it with complete faith.
  • Never ever try to judge the Prashnavali as you are connecting with the divine.
  • Do not get disheartened if you do not get your desired answer.
  • Before using the Hanuman Prashnavali, calm down and meditate so that you are able to connect with positivity.

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