Find Your Guardian Angel Through Astrology

Guardian Angel


There is a saying in Sanskrit “ Ekam Sat – Vidwaan Bahutaa vadantii” meaning that “Truth is One (God is One) – Learned Ones of Yore have explained it in different forms!” Though it is true that Almighty is One, it is also equally true that meditating or praying to the Formless, Blemishless Paramaatmaa is not within the mental maturity level of most common persons. The concept of a Personal God (Called Ishta Devataa) helps persons to relate better to Divine. Mantra shastraic works clearly explain that one may meditate or pray to God with different attitudes:

1) The attitude of a servant (where God is assumed to be the master). This attitude is best suited for those with a humble and simple disposition, and who wish to attain salvation by the vehicle of Service. These individuals are humble and believe service to human beings is service to Almighty. They think God is the master of everyone and by serving other humans, we are doing God’s work in our capacity as His Servants.

2) The attitude of a friend (assuming God as one’s closest friend/ ally): Shri Arjuna – the mighty Pandava warrior of Mahabhaarataa is a typical example. For him Shri Krishna was more a friend than anything else.

3) The attitude of a son/ daughter (God is the Father/ Mother). Shri Raamakrishna Paramahamsa was a typical example. For the great yogi, Goddess Kaali was his Mother and ultimately Everything.

4) The attitude of a Lover (God is visualized as spouse/ life-partner). Bhakta Meeraa Bhai, Aandaal, etc. were such devotees. There are some staunch vaishnavite saints of Tamil Nadu who – in spite of being Men by birth have assumed the attitude of “Divine Love” with the assumption that “there is no male except God…..all other souls are Feminine!” Works of such savants abound in Bhakti literature of all Indian languages.

A person who meditates on Nirguna Brahmam (Ultimate Divinity without Form/ attributes) does not have any of the above 4 attitudes….Many Great Yogis have followed such Nirguna routes to Divinity.

What is Phalana Devataa?

All these concepts discussed above are alright for selfless persons of bhakti cult or for great yogis….what about mundane individuals who need to seek favours from Divine Forms? Don’t they need a particular Form that best addresses their needs? Here in comes the concept of “Phalana Devataa” (The Divine Form that gives manifest good results to a native). Phalana Devataa is the Form of Divinity that best relates to a human being’s inner psyche and thus gives fast results for mundane activities. We can say that these Phalana Devataas are the guardian angels of a person. Astrology does give valuable clues to find out which of the various Forms of Divine can give best results to a native. Based on these clues if a person does worship to that Deity Form, manifest results can be obtained. This will strengthen the belief system of a person towards occult matters, and when all material desires get fulfilled by the help of that Deity Form, the person may progress to Higher Forms of Meditation and Philosophy which will pave the way for Ultimate Salvation (Mukhti).

Clues In The Horoscope Regarding The Guardian Angel Or Preferred Divine Form

The 5th house in a horoscope is called “Mantra sthaanaa” – the house that gives clues about the mantras that a person can chant to get good results. It is also called “Poorvapunya sthaanaa” – the house that gives clues about the residual Merits of previous lives. The deity signified by the 5th house sign/ 5th house lord might have been already worshipped by this native in previous incarnations, or it might turn out to be the “Kula Devataa” – The Family Deity of the native. The 2nd house denotes speech, singing, etc. In addition, it also signifies “chants”, “mantra recitals”. If 5th house lord is in the 2nd house, the person concerned might benefit by chanting the mantras signified by the 5th lord. If the 5th lord is in the 6th house, the path of Service to Humanity will lead to salvation. If the 5th lord is in the 9th house, the person will have the good luck to get initiated into Higher Spiritual Traditions by competent Masters of the subject.

Apart from the 5th house of the Rashi chart, the sub-divisional chart Vimsamsa (D20) – which is the 20th harmonic chart of the horoscope is to be studied regarding the analysis of Deities.

Another important factor in finding the guardian angel suitable for a person is the planet in the 12th house from the Kaarakaamsa. Kaarakaamsa is the sign occupied by the Aatmakaaraka in the navamsa chart. (Aatmakaaraka is the planet that has got the highest longitude among all planets in the horoscope, i.e. the planet that has traversed the highest degrees in the sign it occupies; for instance if say Sun is in 29 degrees of Scorpio, and Moon is in 29 deg. 23 minutes of Scorpio, Mars is in 28 degrees of Aries, etc….., we would say Moon is the Aatmakaaraka – as it has more degrees than the other planets. For more clarity, read Jaimini Sutras if you are a serious astrological student wishing to learn this).

Divine Forms Signified By Different Planets As Signfiicators

Now, that we have discussed the basic principles behind identifying the planet that signifies the Guardian Angel of a horoscope, let us see what are the Deities/ Divine Forms signified by different planets that become significators for Guardian Angels:

1) If Sun is the significator planet – Lord Shiva is to be taken as the Guardian Angel to whom all major prayers are to be addressed. (When I say significator, it might be that Sun is the lord of the 5th house, or Sun might be in the 12th house from Aatmakaaraka in the navamsha chart, or it might be the lord of the D20 chart or the 5th lord of the D20 chart….the same logic will apply to all planets below). If Sun being the significator of Deity is associated with Moon (conjunct Moon, or in Moon’s sign), then the Form of Shiva to be worshipped is Lord Chandramouleeshwaraa. If Sun is conjunct Mars, then the forms of Veerabhadra should be worshipped. If Sun is conjunct Jupiter, then Lord Dakshinamoorthi – the Ascetic Teacher Form of Lord Shiva should be worshipped. If Sun is conjunct Mercury, then Lord Shiva as “Meenaakshi Sundareshwaraa” – in His Marriage pose with Goddess Meenaakshi in Madurai should be worshipped. If Sun is conjunct Venus, then Lord Shiva should be meditated in His form where He is embracing His consort Paarvati or in His Ardhanareeshwara form (where half of His body is given to Goddess Shakti). If Sun is conjunct Raahu, then worship of Bhairav forms can be beneficial. If Sun is conjunct Ketu, then worship of Lord Chandikeshwara will be beneficial.

2) If Moon is the significator planet of the Guardian Deity – Goddess Shakti is to be taken as the Guardian Angel. Vaishnavites might take Lord Krishna or Lord Venkataachalapathy (Shri Baalaji of Tirupati) as Guardian Angels generally. Worshipping God in Mother Form will be generally auspicious to these natives. If Moon being the significator is conjunct Sun, then the form of Tripura Bhairavi should be worshipped. If Moon is conjunct Mars, then worship of Devi in Her fierce forms like Durga, Chaamundi, etc. will be beneficial. Propitiating Mangala Chandika will be beneficial for marital life of these natives. If Moon is conjunct Mercury, Goddess Meenaakshi – the Presiding Deity of Madurai is to be worshipped. If Moon is conjunct Jupiter, then worship of Goddess in Her benevolent forms will be beneficial (smiling, Graceful forms of the Deity). If Moon is conjunct Venus, Raaja Raajeshwari Form or Lalitha Parameshwari forms will be beneficial. Praying at temples like Vaishno Devi shrine, Akilaandeshwari temple (In tamil Nadu- near Trichy), etc. will be auspicious. If Moon is conjunct Rahu, worship of Goddess Durga/ Kaali/ Pratiyangiraa will be beneficial. If Moon is conjunct Ketu, worshipping Goddess in the form of Chandi will be beneficial.

3) If Mars is the significator planet of the Guardian Deity – Lord Skanda (Subhramanyaa) will be the Deity. Vaishnavites can worship Lord Narasimhaa. If there is conjunction of Mars with Saturn, worship of Lord Hanumaan might be necessary for better control over one’s temper and for eradicating violent/ undesirable psychological tendencies.

4) If Mercury is the significator planet of the Guardian Deity – Lord Vishnu will be the Guardian Angel. If Mercury is exalted or in own house, Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Original Vishwaroopa form or in His pose in Milk Ocean sleeping on bed of Aadishesha should be meditated upon. If Mercury is debilitated, then the avatars of Shri Vishnu should be worshipped. If Mercury is debilitated and has influence of Sun, then Lord Raama should be worshipped. If Moon influences debilitated Mercury, Shri Krishna will be the Deity. If Mars influences debilitated Mercury, Lord Narasimha should be propitiated. If Jupiter influences debilitated Mercury, Lord Vaamanaa (Brahmachaari form) should be worshipped. If Venus influences debilitated Mercury, Lord Parasuraama should be worshipped. If Saturn influences debilitated Mercury, Koorma Avataar should be worshipped. If Rahu influences debilitated Mercury, Vaaraaha Avataar should be worshipped. If Ketu influences debilitated Mercury, Matsya Avataar should be worshipped.

5) If Jupiter is the significator planet of the Guardian Deity – then Lord Brahma will be the Deity. Other than Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva in His form of Dakshinamoorthi, Goddess Shakti in Her form of Taaraa, and Lord Vishnu in His form of Vaamanaa or Geeta Upadesha Form of Lord Krishnaa can be worshipped. Generally if Jupiter signifies your Guardian Angel, vedic chants/ Puraanic recitations, respect to religious experts, etc. will come automatically to you, and thus Divine Grace will flow through the channel of Blessings of Preceptors/ saints/ Holy Persons. In fact they are Walking Deities for you! If Jupiter is debilitated in the horoscope or afflicted by malefics like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu, you should take extra efforts to serve Godly Persons to wipe out possible effects of “Braahmanaic curse” arising out of advertent or inadvertent insult to Divine Things, Persons, or Places. Visit to Samaadhi Mandirs of Great Saints like Shri Raaghavendra at Mantraalayam, Shri Chandrasekara saraswathi at Kanchi, shri Shridi Sai samaadhi mandir, visiting Darghas of sufi saints, etc. will be beneficial.

6) If Venus is the signfiicator planet of the Guardian Deity – then Goddess Lakshmi will be the Guardian Angel. If Venus – being the significator of Guardian Angel is debilitated, the person can get success in worship of various Yakshinii devataas (This suggestion is applicable to serious students of mantra shastra/ occult. Others kindly avoid these worships unless you have some competent and trustworthy Guru to guide you in Yakshini worship – Yakshiniis are demi-goddesses who may sometimes have a mischievous streak in them and may play pranks that will be beyond normal human levels of tolerance to survive!).

7) If Saturn is the significator planet of the Guardian Deity – the God Shaastaa (Dharma Shaasta – His most popular Form is Sabarimala Aiyappa). Other forms like Aiyyanaar (in Tamil Naadu) are also of Dharma Shaasta only. Worship of Lord Hanumaan, Lord Venkateshwaraa, etc. are also favourable when Saturn is the significator of Guardian Angel. Lord Yamaa – who is also called Dharma Raaja (The King of Righteous Conduct) can also be worshipped (Though He is the God of Death, He is not inauspicious actually. He just does the work of Divine when He takes away lives and He does it dispassionately and without fear or favour! Worshipping Him is not bad and it can actually give a person great courage and strength.)

8) If Rahu is the significator of the Guardian Deity – worship of Mother Goddess in Her form of Kaali or Durga will be best. Other than this, worship of God Shiva in His Linga Form with Serpent coiled around the Linga, worshipping Lord Krishna as Kaalinga nardana Krishna (Lord Krishna in Child Form dancing over the hoods of the snake), worship of Goddess Maanasaa Devi (Snake Deity), etc. will be auspicious. Generally these persons can attain great success in mantraic works if they wish to master such arts.

9) If Ketu is the significator of the Guardian Deity – worship of Goddess Chandi, Lord Chandikeshwara, Lord Chitragupta – the attendant of Lord Yamaa, etc. will be auspicious. Apart from this, doing service to ascetics (sanyaasins) will be beneficial for these natives.

Apart from what I have stated above, there are various guardian angels for different nakshatras. For example, Goddess Kaali is the Guardian angel for those born under Bharani nakshatra, Lord Agni is the Guardian Angel for those born under Krittika star, etc.

Another way to determine guardian angels is through thithi of birth. Those born under Dasami thithi of bright half of Moon will be ruled by Lord Veerabhadra, etc….Those deities can also be worshipped without any further checking of the horoscope. If possible we shall see such indications in subsequent write-ups.


What I have given here is only “indicative” or “suggestive.” If you have already received “Deeksha” from holy persons, they might have relied upon other processes for short-listing the best worship procedures for you. Again, one’s Family Deity (kula Devataa) should be Honoured before one does worship of one’s own Guardian Deity indicated above. On no account should one abandon the worship of Family Deities ( a Deity that has been worshipped continuously in the Family for at least 3 generations becomes the Family Deity of the Family. In most cases, there will be an unbroken line of worshippers of a Deity going back to even 100s of generations! Such Deities as Family Deities over many generations will be powerful, and mostly the Guardian Deity as shown by horoscope will be the same as Family Deity in such cases. These Deity Forms are easily pleased and it is really one’s good luck to be born in such spiritual families). If you are already in a Family of Upaasakaas (Serious Worshippers of a Particular Divine Form), you need not check the astrological indications; you can just follow the path of your ancestors in serious worship. By the Grace of the Family Deity, you will be led to Higher paths – if necessary!

Article by Pandit R Dakshinamoorthi

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