Favourable and Unfavourable Times for Your Career

Favourable and Unfavourable Times for Your Career – No one gets always good or always bad time in one’s life. The nature of time in each person’s life keeps changing from birth till death. This article will guide you to know in advance your probable good and bad times for your career..

Favourable and Unfavourable Times for Your Career

Majority of people go to an astrologer only in times of distress and problems. Just imagine how helpful astrology can be if its help is taken in advance. Pre-guidance can not only equip us better to deal with unfavourable times, it can also help us to plan ahead and avoid certain accidents.

This article is intended to give some prominent indications in one’s birth chart.

What Causes Changes in the Nature of Time

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Depending upon the birth data a unique set of planetary periods (dashas) is attached with each horoscope. There are many dasha systems and most Vedic astrologers follow the Vimshotri Dasha System.

So as per the basic and functional nature of dasha planets various areas of one’s life including career are influenced.

Probable Favourable Times for Career

• Dasha and Antardasha (Main and Sub-period) of planets forming auspicious combinations (Yogas).

• If there is sign exchange between the 9th and 10th house lords then during their periods.

• If the 9th and 10th house lords are conjunct in the 11th house and the 6th house lord is in its sign of exaltation, then during their combined periods.

• During the periods of the 10th lord of the Dashamsha chart (D/10 chart) and planets associated with it.

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• During the periods of a Yogakarak planet which is linked with the ascendant or the 10th house or their lords.

• If in a chart the 10th house lord is in the 9th house of luck and the ascendant lord, 2nd lord and 11th lord are placed together in the 10th house and the 10th house receives aspect of the 9th lord.

• Periods of the 10th lord, ascendant lord and planets in square and trine houses of the Dashamsha chart.

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Probable Unfavourable Times for Career

• During Dasha and Antardashas of planets forming any inauspicious combinations (Yogas).

• During the periods of 10th lord which is placed in the 8th house.

• During the periods of the 6th lord if it is conjunct a malefic planet.

• During the periods of the 8th lord which is placed in the 9th house of luck.

• During the periods of Saturn which is in the 10th house in its enemy’s sign.

• If the 6th and 8th lords are placed in the 10th house and are under aspect of Saturn then during their mutual periods.

• If Saturn is placed in the 10th house in its inimical sign and 8th lord is in the house of luck then during their combined periods.

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Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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