Your Eyes through the Eye of Astrology

As per St. Jerome, “The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.” Very true, the eyes are the doorway to the heart and are an evergreen and fascinating topic for poets. But here in this article we focus on astrological indications of eye ailments and some common remedies.


In a birth chart the 2nd and the 12th houses and the corresponding signs of Taurus and Pisces represent the right and the left eye respectively. Astrology of Arthritis and Remedies

Among the planets the Sun and the Moon govern the right and the left eye respectively. Also in addition to the two luminaries the Sun and the Moon planets Venus and Jupiter viz. the lords of the above mentioned signs Taurus and Pisces also come into the picture.

The planet Venus also represents in general the eyesight or vision.

In the light of the above information the following are some general indications in a birth chart for eyes related ailments:

Afflictions of the 2nd and or 12th house due to malefic planets.

Placement of the 2nd lord at 6th, 8th or 12th place with respect to Venus.

Highly afflicted 2nd house receiving malefic aspect of Saturn.

Placement of the Sun in the 8th house.

The Moon under affliction occupying the 12th house indicates danger to the left eye through accidents.

The Sun under affliction occupying the 12th house indicates danger to the right eye through accidents.

The 2nd lord and the ascendant lord placed in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house.

The Moon and Venus conjunct in the 12th house indicate serious eyesight problems .

The Sun conjunct the Moon in the 12th house under malefic aspects indicates serious eyesight related problems.

Placement of the Sun in the 7th house in Capricorn or Aquarius sign.

Some General Remedies

(1) Recite 108 times at Sunrise time, in one sitting the Gayatri Mantra for any eye ailment in particular for that of the right eye:

“Om bhur bhava sva, tatsvitur varanium,
bhargo devasya dheemahi dhio yona prachodiaat”

(2) Recite 108 times at night time, in one sitting the Moon Mantra for any eye ailment in particular for that of the left eye:

“Om Som Somaya Nmaha”

(3) Recite 108 times at Sunrise time, in one sitting the Venus Mantra for any ailment related to eyesight:

“Om Shum Shukaraye namaha”

(3) On a Saturday take four dry whole coconuts, touch these to your ailing eyes and immerse in a river.

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Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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