Effects of Mercury Retrograde on Zodiac Signs

Mercury Retrograde, According to Vedic astrology, among all the planets, the Moon and Mercury change their zodiac signs very frequently. In astrology, Mercury has the status of a prince among all the planets. Mercury is the planet of communication, intelligence, logic, mathematics, and business. Mercury is the lord of two zodiac signs: Gemini and Virgo. Mercury, who is the god of intelligence and knowledge, is going to enter Saturn’s zodiac Aquarius on 11 February 2025 at around 12:41 pm. Due to the transit of Mercury in Saturn’s zodiac, some zodiac signs are likely to get good benefits.


Due to the transit of Mercury in Saturn’s zodiac, some zodiac signs are likely to get good benefits, and some may face problems.

Benefits and Problems for Various Zodiacs Due to This Retrograde

Aries: Frustrated

For Aries ascendants, Mercury is the lord of the third and sixth house, and on February 11, it will enter your eleventh house. With Mercury entering Aquarius, important changes will be seen in Aries’s life. You will do well in your career, but minor communication issues will cause short-term frustration.

Mercury Retrograde aries

Taurus: Unbothered

Mercury is going to transit in your tenth house. For Taurus, Mercury is the lord of the second and fifth houses. The transit of Mercury in the tenth house can lead to growth in your career and business. There is a possibility of getting a new job but there can be few challenges. Mercury Retrograde may cause slight delays, but you’ll be able to get through it if you keep your composure.

Taurus Mercury Retrograde

Gemini: Confused

For Gemini natives, Mercury is the lord of the second and fourth houses, and now it is going to transit in your ninth house. The benefit of Jupiter’s transit in the ninth house can be seen in the form of an increase in your comforts and facilities. But, Mercury’s Retrograde may create temporary confusion.

Gemini Mercury Retrograde

Transit of the Sun into Aquarius

Cancer: Emotional

For Cancer zodiac sign natives, Mercury is the lord of the third and twelfth house, and now its transit will be in the eighth house of your horoscope. You are likely to get sudden benefits from this, while emotions may run high.

Cancer Mercury Retrograde

Leo: Offended

For Leo zodiac sign natives, Mercury is the lord of the second and eleventh house, and now it is going to transit in your seventh house. You can realize financial gains during this retrograde period, but watch out for misunderstandings.

Leo Mercury Retrograde

Virgo: Panicked

For the Virgo zodiac sign natives, Mercury is the lord of the first and tenth house, and it will be in your sixth house this month. Luck will be on your side, but be cautious with sensitive files and documents—Mercury Retrograde could lead to unforeseen failures.

Virgo Mercury Retrograde

Libra: Indecisive

For the Libra zodiac sign natives, Mercury is the lord of the ninth and twelfth house. Mercury will transit in your fifth house. Although self-confidence will increase, decision-making may feel overwhelming; follow your gut and take your time.

Libra Mercury Retrograde

Scorpio: Suspicious

For the Scorpio zodiac natives, Mercury is the lord of the eighth and eleventh house, and now Mercury is transiting in your happiness house, i.e., the fourth house. In such a situation, there are signs of problems in the family. Watch out for people who come back into your life out of the blue!


Sagittarius: Escaping

For the Sagittarius zodiac natives, Mercury is the lord of the seventh and tenth house, and now it is going to transit in your third house, i.e., the house of valor. In such a situation, there is a possibility of good growth in your career and business. Though this Mercury Retrograde may make you want to avoid your duties, keep your composure and seize the chances that lie ahead.


Capricorn: Determined

For the Capricorn zodiac natives, Mercury will be the lord of the sixth and ninth house and sit in your second house. Despite the possibility of employment and business-related disruptions, your ability to bounce back will keep you on course. Both company and employment will experience ups and downs.


Aquarius: Theorizing

Mercury, the planet signifying wisdom and speech, is the lord of your fifth and eighth house, and now its transit will take place in your first house. Due to this, you are expected to get benefits from ancestral property. Even though you might overanalyze everything, have faith in the process; it will work well for you.


Pisces: Dazed

For Pisces natives, Mercury is the lord of the fourth and seventh house, and now its transit is going to take place in your twelfth house. In such a situation, you can get good success in financial matters. Keep your focus even if Mercury Retrograde could make everything seem unreal.


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