Effects of Kaal Sarp Yoga According to Ascendant

Kaal sarp yoga affects all pleasures in the life of a person. The effects of this yoga have been studied deeply in many ways. Yet it has been seen that kaal sarp yoga gives different kind of fruits according to the ascendant in which a person is born. In this article the effects of kaal sarp yoga is being given in a summarized way:-

1) Aries Ascendant

If a person is born in Aries ascendant and has kaal sarp yoga in his horoscope then this yoga affects his career and married life. Such a person generally has an aggressive nature. He is not satisfied with his career and to make progress in it he keeps on changing his job or business. Changing one’s job or business is a chief symptom of kaal sarp yoga. If we see this yoga from marriage point of view then we will realize that here Rahu is having concern with 2nd, 5th,7th and 12th houses. Due to this reason such a person has to face hurdles and adverse conditions in his married life. If a person is born in Aries ascendant and Rahu has concern with Venus the lord of 7th house then such a person does adultery and ruins his married life. Due to this reason he has bad relations with his life partner. In the 5th house due to placement of Leo moon sign lord Sun if having enemity with Rahu, eclipse is formed. Due to this reason such a person does not have harmonious thoughts with his progeny. In the 12th house the placement Pisces moon sign related to Jupiter may affect the sexual pleasure of such a person. Due to having a busy life such a person is not able to devote his time towards his family members. Rahu has concern with the 2nd house due to which it may give rise to disputes within the family of such a person. Due to having a bitter tongue and speech such a person may not have control over his words. As a result his family life will be painful and troublesome.

2) Taurus Ascendant

If a person is born in Taurus ascendant and has kaal sarp yoga in his horoscope then he may lack of self confidence in his personality. Such a person always remained terrified and is not able to do tasks that are needed for getting success in one’s life. He is also not able to gain benefits from opportunities that come in his life. If Rahu is concerned with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then such a person faces ups and downs in his married life. In this ascendant Rahu will be the lord of 10th house. He is the friend of Venus the lord of ascendant as a result such a person will get favorable conditions in his career. Mercury the lord of 2nd house is also a friend of Rahu thus it will give a very impressive conversational tone. Due to having such a time such a person will impress his family yet sometimes this sharp speech will give negative results as concerned with relations with the family members. This may also give rise to enemity with the family members. Due to placement of Mar’s moon sign such a person will have disputes with his life partner due to which his married life will face turmoil. Due to disputes in one’s married life such a person may also have possibilities of having a divorce with his life partner. In the 12th house of such an ascendant Aries the moon sign of Mars is placed and has enemity with Rahu. Due to this reason the sexual pleasure of such a person gets affected badly. Due to this reason the mental peace in married life also gets affected sometimes.

3) Gemini Ascendant

If a person is born in Gemini ascendant and if kaal sarp yoga is formed in his horoscope then it may not affect the job, career and health of such a person. Yet it affects his married life. In Gemini ascendant Rahu is the lord of 9th house and is also the friend of Mercury, the lord of ascendant. Even yet Rahu may obstruct the good luck of a person. Rahu will also have enemity with Moon the lord of 2nd house due to which the family of such a person may get affected in a negative way. Due to this reason such a person may have to face the anger of his family members and dear ones. Rahu will have concern with Jupiter the lord of 7th house due to which the behavior of such a person may not be good due to which his married life may become aggressive and troublesome. In such a horoscope Venus is the lord of 12th house due to which such a person’s wife is not devoted to him. As a result he lacks sexual pleasure in his married life. Yet due to the support of Mercury the lord of ascendant, such a person will solve his problems in the family life through his intellect.

4) Cancer Ascendant

If a person is born in the Cancer ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is formed in his ascendant then it affects his health, married life and progeny. Yet his career may not get affected in a negative way. If Rahu has concern with the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses in such a horoscope then the married and family life of such a person gets affected due to diseases and worries. In this ascendant Rahu is the lord of 8th house. Rahu has enemity with Moon the lord of ascendant due to which the person may be ill, as a result this may affect his married life. The 5th house of such ascendant is occupied by Scorpio moon sign whose lord is Mars. Rahu has enemity with it thus such a person may have family related worries especially for his progeny. The notorious behavior of his progeny and his health may bring worries to such a person. Such a person may also feel worried and much concerned with his relations with life partner. Yet such a person may cross the hurdles of married life by the harmony oriented behavior of his spouse.

5) Leo Ascendant

If a person is born in Leo ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is formed in his horoscope then it may not affect his health and career. Yet this yoga may affect his married life. If Rahu is concerned with the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses in the horoscope then his married life may be in trouble due to high expenditure and lack of regular income. In this ascendant Rahu is the lord of 7th house and the enemy of Sun the lord of ascendant. Due to this reason such a person may get worried due to his family members and money or finance. Due to less and limited income and high expenses the family life of such a person may be in trouble. If Rahu has concern with the lord of 5th house then the education of his progeny may also get obstructed. The combination of Saturn the lord of 7th house and Rahu will make the life partner of such a person very much fickle minded. The enemity of Rahu with Moon, the lord of 12th house will increase the fickle behavior of one’s life partner. As a result the sexual pleasure of such a person may also get affected badly. Due to such kind of kaal sarp yoga such a person may also have to live a lonely life.

6) Virgo Ascendant

If a person is born in Virgo ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is formed in his horoscope then his self confidence may get affected in a negative way. Besides this many other things in his lfe may get affected very much. In such a horoscope if Rahu is concerned with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then such a person may feel lack of happiness in his married life and from the side of his progeny. Due to this reason he may feel his life to be empty. This kind of condition may affect his entire married life. In Virgo ascendant Rahu is the lord of sixth house due to which a person has good health yet due to being concerned with Saturn the lord of 5th house he faces obstacles in getting happiness from his children. In spite of efforts such a person may not get happiness from his progeny. If Rahu has concern with Venus the lord of 2nd house then such a person may expend more money to enjoy sensual pleasures. If Rahu has concern with Jupiter the lord of 7th house then such a person may get a beautiful life partner yet Sun the lord of 5th house may have relation with Rahu and make such a person too lustful to get pleasures of bed. Such a person may also not feel much satisfied with whatever pleasures he is getting from his life partner.

7) Libra Ascendant

If a person is born in Libra ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is formed in his horoscope then it may affect his health and happiness from his progeny. If Rahu has concern with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then such a person may face obstacles in his marriage. He may also face lack of marital happiness from his life partner after getting married. Such a person may very often remain ill due to which the pleasures of his married life may get obstructed. As a result he may get separated from his life partner. Lack of harmony and love between the husband and wife may make their married life dull. If Rahu is placed with the lord of 2nd house anywhere in the horoscope then this may create money losses. In Libra ascendant if Venus is fully under the effect of Rahu then such a person may feel insulted due to his wrong behavior and adultery. In such a horoscope if Rahu is concerned with Saturn the lord of 5th house then the progeny side of such a man may be obstructed. If Venus the presenter of married life is placed in the constellation of Rahu then a person may not feel satisfied with his married life and may quarrel with his spouse due to wrong behavior.

8) Scorpio Ascendant

If a person is born in Scorpio ascendant and has kaal sarp yoga in his horoscope then such yoga may negatively affect all things in his life. If Rahu is concerned with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then such a person may have a horrible married life with failure, insult and defamation. He may also feel lack of peace in his married life. In Scorpio ascendant Rahu is the lord of 4th house and has enemity with Mars who is the lord of ascendant. Due to this reason such a person does not feel mentally peaceful. If Rahu is concerned with Jupiter the lord of 2nd house then this may create disputes with one’s family members. Due to this reason such a person may not get ancestral property. Such a person may have to live away far from his family. If Rahu is concerned with Jupiter the lord of 5th house then it may result troubles related to children and progeny. Due to these reasons this person also has the habit to take risks, thus he faces profit and losses and ups and downs in his professional life. This kind of condition may also bring ups and downs in one’s married life.

9) Sagittarius Ascendant

If a person is born in Sagittarius ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is formed in his horoscope then it may not affect his healthy and career. Even then if Rahu has concern with 2nd, 5th, 9th and12th houses then the married life of such a person may face sudden mishaps and even divorce. If such a person has extra marital affairs then he may feel troubled due to such conditions. Rahu is the lord of third house in Sagittarius ascendant. As a result such a person will get success in his tasks with his self confidence and skill yet he may face some obstacles in his work. If Rahu has concern with Mars the lord of 5th house then he may feel trouble on account of his children and progeny. They may always feel ill due to this reason. If Rahu is concerned with Mercury the lord of 7th house then such a person may feel attracted towards having love affairs. If this house is aspected by any auspicious planet then there might be chances of having a successful love marriage.

10) Capricorn Ascendant

If any person is born in Capricorn ascendant and has kaal sarp yoga in his horoscope then it may affect or obstruct his career etc but his family happiness may be obstructed. If Rahu is concerned with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then he may get less marital happiness. Such a person may feel lack of success in his life and may also try to do passive activities like suicide. Rahu is the lord of second house in Capricorn ascendant due to this reason the person will always feel himself to be a pauper. Many of his tasks may meet with failure. If Rahu is in combination with Saturn the lord of ascendant then such a person may get afflicted with some horrible disease. Due to this reason he may have to expend much money. If Rahu has concern with Saturn the lord of 2nd house then such a person may have high money expenses and face lack of peace within his family. If Venus the lord of 5th house has concern with Rahu then it may create problems in one’s education and happiness from progeny in the future life. The progeny of such a person might not agree with the decisions that are taken by him. If Rahu makes concern with Moon the lord of 7th house then it may create an eclipse and trouble in the marital happiness of such a person. Such a person may also get his married life troubled due to adultery. Such a man may face quarrels with his spouse due to which there may be also a possibility of divorce with the life partner.

11) Aquarius Ascendant

If a person is born in Aquarius ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is formed in his horoscope then due to it he may not get favorable results concerning marriage and progeny. Yet the career of such a person does not get affected in a negative way. If Rahu is concerned with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then such a person may have to face opposition from the side of his family. He may enjoy his married life yet he may feel troubled due to quarrels with his life partner. Rahu is the lord of 11th house in Aquarius ascendant. If it is with Saturn the lord of ascendant then such a person may feel physically ill yet such a person won’t try to avoid doing urgent work due to the affect of Rahu on the ascendant. If Rahu combines with Jupiter the lord of 2nd house then this may increase money yet due to Rahu one may spend money in unimportant tasks. This may also create family disputes. Such a person may also get debarred from getting ancestral property. If there is concern of Rahu with Mercury the lord of 5th house then such a person may have progeny, yet he may not experience happiness from his children. If Sun the lord of 7th house has concern with Rahu then this may be like an eclipse in his married life. If Rahu meets in combination with Saturn the lord of 12th house such a person may feel lack of desire to enjoy life in this world.

12) Pisces Ascendant

If a person is born in Pisces ascendant and kaal sarp yoga is seen in his horoscope then this yoga might affect his thoughts, health and marital happiness etc. If Rahu is concerned with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses then such a person always faces problems related to money and finance. Due to daily expenses his married life may get disturbed. Rahu is the lord of 12th house in Pisces ascendant. If Rahu is concerned with Jupiter the lord of ascendant then this may result physical ailments, it will also make one’s mind filled with polluted thoughts. If Rahu is concerned with Moon the lord of 5th house then such a person may get troubled on account of progeny. His progeny and children may be ill due to which he may feel worried. Such a man may not be able to fully enjoy his married life. Due to Mars the lord of 11th house such a person may feel troubled due to high expenses. Due to less income and more expenses his married life may be full of quarrels with his life partner.

The final summary
We have mentioned the results of Kaal Sarp Yoga in different ascendants on the basis of Rahu placed in different houses in a horoscope. While doing such predictions the condition of Rahu and Ketu and other bad and good planet configurations are also taken into account.

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