Doshas Cancellation – Cancellation of Doshas in Match Making

Doshas Cancellation – As per Vedic or Hindu astrology horoscopes of the boy and girl before marriage are matched for knowing the compatibility between them. There are certain conditions for cancellation of various doshas.

Doshas Cancellation

The match making system as per Vedic astrology is also called Guna Milaan which means ‘Comparison of Qualities’. In this system there are eight factors each carrying different points. Total points are 36, a score of 20 or more gives a green signal for marriage alliance.

Under certain conditions each of these dosha stands cancelled as described here:

Doshas Cancellation Varna:

This guna carries a score of 1 point. If the Varna is not matching this causes a slight dosha. This dosha stands cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) The Varna of the boy is superior to that of the girl.

Doshas Cancellation Vashya:

This guna carries 2 points. If the Vashya is not matching this causes a slight dosha. This dosha stands cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) The Yoni is fully matching.

Doshas Cancellation Tara:

This guna carries 3 points. If the Tara is not matching this causes a slight dosha. This dosha stands cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

Doshas Cancellation Yoni:

This guna carries 4 points. The Yoni dosha is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) There is no Bhakootdosha.

(4) There is at least a score of 1 for the Vashyaguna.

Doshas Cancellation Greha Maitri:

This guna carries 5 points. The dosha due to its mismatch stands cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(2) If both the partners have different Rashi but they have a common constellation.

(3) There is no Bhakootdosha.

Doshas Cancellation Gana:

This guna carries 6 points. If Gana is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect) this dosha is however considered cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are met:

(1) If the figure obtained on counting the birth constellation of the girl from that of the boy is 14 or more.

(2) If the Rashi lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) If the navamsha ascendant lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(4) There is no Bhakootdosha.

(5) Both the partners have same Rashi, but different constellation.

Doshas Cancellation Bhakoot:

This guna carries 7 points. If this guna is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect). However, this dosha is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) If the Rashi lord and navamsha ascendant lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(2) The Naadiguna is matching.

Doshas Cancellation Naadi:

This guna carries 8 points.If this guna is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect)and thedoshacaused due to its mismatch is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) Both have same Rashi but different constellations.

(2) Both have same constellation but different Rashi.

(3) Both have same birth constellation but different Charans (parts).

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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