Aries Daily Horoscope 1

Most Accurate free Aries daily Horoscope. Aries daily horoscope provides insight into your complete day. Truthstar Daily Horoscope on Aries written by Rob Tillett.

Monday, 1 August 2016

You’re really hot stuff today, exuding sex appeal and charisma and you want everyone to notice it. You could soon live up to the Aries reputation for being a sex bomb! But if your energies don’t lie in that direction, you should channel all that energy into activities that allow you to express yourself in other ways otherwise you’ll start to feel very frustrated. Lucky colours are persimmon and ivory. Lucky numbers are 30 and 66.

Sawan Shivaratri 2016       Venus Moving Into Leo on 1 August 2016

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Get in touch with someone who lives abroad or who comes from another country, because you’re in the mood for some international contacts. You might also enjoy browsing through a travel brochure and planning your next holiday, especially if you’re thinking of visiting somewhere for the first time. You’re in an adventurous mood! Lucky colours are purple and gold. Lucky numbers are 14 and 12.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Under a Full Moon in your mid-heaven, you need to consider all the ins and outs of your career. Some of the conclusions you reached a month ago, during the last Full Moon, are high on the agenda again and you need to think them through carefully. Be prepared to jettison plans that aren’t working out in favour of those that stand a better chance of success. Lucky colours are magenta and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 35.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

A certain person is rather full of themselves today. They may boast about something that they’ve achieved, or about something they own, and it’s amusing at first although it could get a bit wearing after a while. It may be tempting but don’t try to play them at their own game because trying to outdo them will reflect badly on you. Just let them get on with it! Lucky colours are fawn and violet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 15.

Friday, 5 August 2016

It’s another day when you want to push yourself further than usual, whether you do so mentally, physically or emotionally. You’ve got something to prove, whether it’s to yourself or someone else, and the question is how far you’re prepared to go. Try not to make this into an exercise of power or might, in which you improve yourself at the expense of others. Lucky colours are lavender and pink. Lucky numbers are 8 and 43.

Hariyali Teej

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Great news! From today you embark on a month-long phase in which your spirits rise and your social life improves. It will also be a brilliant time for expressing yourself creatively and artistically, in whichever way most appeals. Burn off your increased energy by doing something sporty or athletic, especially if it offers you the chance to compete against others because you’ll be determined to beat them! Lucky colours are blue and peach. Lucky numbers are 34 and 74.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

The Moon and Neptune blend well today; you’ll be renewed spiritually which will help you face your challenges. Use this blessing to work towards your goals and aspirations; you can move forward quietly, but surely. For now, hold your head up and display a positive attitude. If you believe you can be successful, everyone else will believe it, too. Lucky colours are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.

Nag Panchami

Monday, 8 August 2016

You could hear something that makes you doubt your sanity today. Maybe someone makes a comment that strikes you as bizarre, or they drop what feels like a bombshell into the conversation. Do your best not to over-react, partly because this will only inspire the person concerned into fresh weirdness and also because you’ll find that you’re winding yourself up. Lucky colours are lemon and oyster. Lucky numbers are 28 and 54.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Whatever the weather, it feels as though the sun is shining on you. You’re happy, content and easy-going today, all of which will help to increase your popularity with everyone you meet. You’ll enjoy being sociable, preferably in the company of some of your favourite people. If that isn’t possible, arrange something for later in the week. Lucky colours are coffee and caramel. Lucky numbers are 10 and 38.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Create a good impression on others today, so they see you as someone who is jolly, convivial and gregarious. Well, you’re all of those things, of course, but try not to take them to extremes because that might not be appreciated. At some point you could encounter someone who seems larger than life but who becomes overpowering after a short while. Lucky colours are fudge and lime. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.

Jupiter Moving Into Virgo on 11 August 2016

Thursday, 11 August 2016

You’re at your most dynamic and energetic, making you reluctant to sit around doing nothing. It’s a day for being fully occupied, especially if you can concentrate on personal projects rather than those that involve other people. It’s a good opportunity to finish off any such projects that you started with good intentions but which have fallen by the wayside since then. Lucky colours are yellow and orange. Lucky numbers are 17 and 46.

Friday, 12 August 2016

You need to focus your energies on whatever and whoever means most to you. This might involve spending more time with your nearest and dearest, devoting yourself to an important pastime or concentrating on increasing your financial security. So get started now! Lucky colours are marmalade and plum. Lucky numbers are 25 and 69.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

If you want a relaxing, easy day you should keep friends and finances as far apart as possible. Mix the two together and the result is likely to be confusion, muddle and even some bad feeling. If you’re unlucky you might discover that someone is trying to rook you, but it’s more likely that you’re both distracted and therefore prone to making silly mistakes over money. Lucky colours are apricot and blue. Lucky numbers are 26 and 46.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Mercury the Messenger moves into detail-oriented Virgo, your solar sixth house, travelling there over the next three weeks. It’s an excellent time to formulate plans for work — and creative discussion is the best way to advance them. Brainstorming with co-workers will be highly valuable, but you may need to learn a new skill. Versatility is the key. If you have health issues, talk them over with an expert. Lucky colours are caramel and light coffee. Lucky numbers are 10 and 36.

Monday, 15 August 2016

The harder you try to push ahead with things today, the more likely you are to be stymied and frustrated. Something or someone appears to be standing in your way, and unless you want to wear yourself to a frazzle you’d be well advised to admit temporary defeat. Once you do this, you may realize that you need to change your strategy because you’re on a hiding to nothing with your current plans. Lucky colours are of pearl and green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

People easily get on your nerves today, and the better you know them the more likely they are to drive you round the bend. This means that you could end up snapping and snarling at your nearest and dearest, simply because they’ve got such an uncanny knack of getting under your skin. Channel all this aggression into something constructive and you’ll feel much better. Lucky colours are orange and silver. Lucky numbers are 18 and 7.

Sun Moving Into Leo on 16 August 2016

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

You’re really hot stuff today, exuding sex appeal and charisma and you want everyone to notice it. You could soon live up to the Aries reputation for being a sex bomb! But if your energies don’t lie in that direction, you should channel all that energy into activities that allow you to express yourself in other ways otherwise you’ll start to feel very frustrated. Lucky colours are persimmon and ivory. Lucky numbers are 30 and 66.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Get in touch with someone who lives abroad or who comes from another country, because you’re in the mood for some international contacts. You might also enjoy browsing through a travel brochure and planning your next holiday, especially if you’re thinking of visiting somewhere for the first time. You’re in an adventurous mood! Lucky colours are purple and gold. Lucky numbers are 14 and 12.

Raksha Bandhan Festival of Sibling Love

Friday, 19 August 2016

Under a Full Moon in your mid-heaven, you need to consider all the ins and outs of your career. Some of the conclusions you reached a month ago, during the last Full Moon, are high on the agenda again and you need to think them through carefully. Be prepared to jettison plans that aren’t working out in favour of those that stand a better chance of success. Lucky colours are magenta and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 35.

Mercury Moving Into Virgo on 19 August 2016

Saturday, 20 August 2016

A certain person is rather full of themselves today. They may boast about something that they’ve achieved, or about something they own, and it’s amusing at first although it could get a bit wearing after a while. It may be tempting but don’t try to play them at their own game because trying to outdo them will reflect badly on you. Just let them get on with it! Lucky colours are fawn and violet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 15.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

It’s another day when you want to push yourself further than usual, whether you do so mentally, physically or emotionally. You’ve got something to prove, whether it’s to yourself or someone else, and the question is how far you’re prepared to go. Try not to make this into an exercise of power or might, in which you improve yourself at the expense of others. Lucky colours are lavender and pink. Lucky numbers are 8 and 43.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Great news! From today you embark on a month-long phase in which your spirits rise and your social life improves. It will also be a brilliant time for expressing yourself creatively and artistically, in whichever way most appeals. Burn off your increased energy by doing something sporty or athletic, especially if it offers you the chance to compete against others because you’ll be determined to beat them! Lucky colours are blue and peach. Lucky numbers are 34 and 74.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The Moon and Neptune blend well today; you’ll be renewed spiritually which will help you face your challenges. Use this blessing to work towards your goals and aspirations; you can move forward quietly, but surely. For now, hold your head up and display a positive attitude. If you believe you can be successful, everyone else will believe it, too. Lucky colours are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

You could hear something that makes you doubt your sanity today. Maybe someone makes a comment that strikes you as bizarre, or they drop what feels like a bombshell into the conversation. Do your best not to over-react, partly because this will only inspire the person concerned into fresh weirdness and also because you’ll find that you’re winding yourself up. Lucky colours are lemon and oyster. Lucky numbers are 28 and 54.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Whatever the weather, it feels as though the sun is shining on you. You’re happy, content and easy-going today, all of which will help to increase your popularity with everyone you meet. You’ll enjoy being sociable, preferably in the company of some of your favourite people. If that isn’t possible, arrange something for later in the week. Lucky colours are coffee and caramel. Lucky numbers are 10 and 38.

Shri Krishna Janmashtami      Venus Moving Into Virgo on 25 August 2016

Friday, 26 August 2016

Create a good impression on others today, so they see you as someone who is jolly, convivial and gregarious. Well, you’re all of those things, of course, but try not to take them to extremes because that might not be appreciated. At some point you could encounter someone who seems larger than life but who becomes overpowering after a short while. Lucky colours are fudge and lime. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

You’re at your most dynamic and energetic, making you reluctant to sit around doing nothing. It’s a day for being fully occupied, especially if you can concentrate on personal projects rather than those that involve other people. It’s a good opportunity to finish off any such projects that you started with good intentions but which have fallen by the wayside since then. Lucky colours are yellow and orange. Lucky numbers are 17 and 46.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

You need to focus your energies on whatever and whoever means most to you. This might involve spending more time with your nearest and dearest, devoting yourself to an important pastime or concentrating on increasing your financial security. So get started now! Lucky colours are marmalade and plum. Lucky numbers are 25 and 69.

Monday, 29 August 2016

If you want a relaxing, easy day you should keep friends and finances as far apart as possible. Mix the two together and the result is likely to be confusion, muddle and even some bad feeling. If you’re unlucky you might discover that someone is trying to rook you, but it’s more likely that you’re both distracted and therefore prone to making silly mistakes over money. Lucky colours are apricot and blue. Lucky numbers are 26 and 46.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Mercury the Messenger moves into detail-oriented Virgo, your solar sixth house, travelling there over the next three weeks. It’s an excellent time to formulate plans for work — and creative discussion is the best way to advance them. Brainstorming with co-workers will be highly valuable, but you may need to learn a new skill. Versatility is the key. If you have health issues, talk them over with an expert. Lucky colours are caramel and light coffee. Lucky numbers are 10 and 36.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The harder you try to push ahead with things today, the more likely you are to be stymied and frustrated. Something or someone appears to be standing in your way, and unless you want to wear yourself to a frazzle you’d be well advised to admit temporary defeat. Once you do this, you may realize that you need to change your strategy because you’re on a hiding to nothing with your current plans. Lucky colours are of pearl and green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.

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