Classification of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Classification of Planets – The nine planets of Vedic astrology are classified under various groups as per their peculiar characteristics.

Classification of Planets

The nine planets considered in Vedic astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.These are grouped under various headings as per their gender, humor, Intrinsic Vedic Qualities (Gunas) and relationship with other as described below, this information is useful in accurate analysis of a birth chart:

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Classification of Planets in more details below

Classification as per Gender: Here the gender highlights a planet’s behaviour such as male planets are more physical oriented and positive in giving results whereas the female planets are operational more on mental plane. Eunuch planet is neutral in this sense and may get influenced by the gender of the associated planets or signs.

Male Planets

Female Planets

Eunuch Planet

Sun, Mars and Jupiter

Moon and Venus

Saturn and Mercury

Classification as per Gunas (Intrinsic Vedic Qualities): As per Vedic wisdomthere are three qualities or Gunas of nature, namely, Satva meaning purity and goodness, Rajas meaning activity and passion and lastly, Tamas, which is the quality of ignorance, darkness or error.

Satvaguna planets

Rajas guna planets

Tamasguna planets

Jupiter, Sun and Moon

Mercury and Venus

Mars and Saturn

Classification as per Intrinsic Nature:
Planets are by intrinsic nature either malefic or benefic.

Natural Malefics

Natural Benefics

Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
Mercury, Waning Moon
(see note below)

Jupiter, Venus, Mercury
Waxing Moon.
(see note below)

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Notes: (1) Some consider Sun as only a slightly harsh planet and not fully malefic.

(2) Mercury is malefic only if associated with malefics and benefic if associated with benefics.

Classification as per their Mutual Relations

The Sun: The Sun is friendly towards Moon, Mars and Jupiter while inimical towards Venus and Saturn whereas it stays neutral towards Mercury.

The Moon: The Moon is friendly towards Sun and Mercury while inimical towards Rahu whereas it stays neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.

Mars: Mars is friendly towards Sun, Moon and Jupiter while inimical towards Mercury whereas it stays neutral towards Venus and Saturn.

Mercury: Mercury is friendly towards Sun and Venus whereas inimical towards Moon but it stays neutral towards Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Jupiter: Jupiter is friendly towards Sun, Moon and Mars whereas it is inimical towards Mercury and Venus while it stays neutral towards Saturn.

Venus: Venus is friendly towards Mercury and Saturn whereas it is inimical towards Sun and Moon while it stays neutral towards Mars and Jupiter.

Saturn: Saturn is friendly towards Mercury and Venus whereas it is inimical towards Sun, Moon and Mars while it stays neutral towards Jupiter.

Rahu: Rahu is friendly towards Mercury, Venus and Saturn whereas it is inimical towards Sun, Moon and Jupiter while it stays neutral towards Mars.

Ketu: Ketu is friendly towards Mars and Jupiter whereas it is inimical towards Sun, Moon and Mercury while it stays neutral towards Venus and Saturn.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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